radio died

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by virgo83, Jun 26, 2005.

  1. virgo83

    virgo83 Guest

    I have a pioneer premier in my car and it's not working. i tried the stock
    radio also but it still doesn't work. My car got stolen two days ago. We
    got it back the next morning but they yanked out the radio. so now it
    doesn't work. I called the dealership to get the code, but my serial
    number isn't valid, not enough numbers. I checked the fuses. could it be
    an elecrtical problem?
    please help i need music....
    '91 honda Accord coupe
    virgo83, Jun 26, 2005
  2. virgo83

    virgo83 Guest

    I forgot to mention that it's an LX, and the antenna isn't coming up,
    could that be part of the problem?
    virgo83, Jun 26, 2005
  3. virgo83

    motsco_ _ Guest


    The CODE isn't needed if the stereo isn't ASKING for you to enter it. .
    .. . . . .There's TWO fuses that feed your radio. One is under the hood.
    The five-digit radio code for Honda radios is on the white 'credit' card
    (and should be in your owner's manual), despite your dealer's innability
    to tell you how many digits your serial number is supposed to be.

    motsco_ _, Jun 26, 2005
  4. virgo83

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    If the radio is the standard on from the factory, there is no code.
    Probably a loose or broken wire in the harness, or a loose connection at
    the radio connector. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Jun 27, 2005
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