radio, intake, heater, problems. Please help!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by kp23, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. kp23

    kp23 Guest

    I own a 1991 Honda Accord LX and I recently left my oil cap off (I
    know...careless but in a hurry) and i took it to the shop to get my
    oil changed and to get a new cap. Another person that works behind
    them cleaned my hood off for me to get the excess oil off so I
    wouldn’t smell it anymore. Ok, logically wouldn’t he have powerwashed
    the hood if it only took him like 5 mins to do? My point is that now
    my car’s radio has stopped working, the lights where the AC controls
    are (fan speed, cool to hot) lights are going from bright to dim and
    my heater is not as warm. It used to heat up right away and now it’s
    blowing out cold air for a while before it gets hot. I had the oil
    cleaned up on Wed. Everything worked Saturday, then by tuesday after
    not driving the car since Sat. all that is messed up. Not to mention
    it is sucking in air again like it was before I had the intake
    manifold gasket repaired and a hose near the radiator replaced. It
    wasn’t doing this until Tuesday as well. What do you think? Is it
    possible that he got stuff wet that shouldn’t have been wet or are
    things things probably not related? I’m good about keeping the
    maintenance up on my car so for all of this to happen at once right
    after I had this done is weird.
    kp23, Jan 26, 2007
  2. kp23

    jim beam Guest

    1. don't keep re-posting the same old story.
    2. don't take this vehicle to an idiot that doesn't know what they're
    doing [brakes, power wash].

    in answer to your questions, yes, the coincidence of the power wash and
    your munged electrics is no coincidence - it's inevitable. if you ever
    get this thing working properly, don't do it again. use detergent
    cleaner and gentle hose, if anything at all. and find a different mechanic.
    jim beam, Jan 26, 2007
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