Radio Malfunction: Help!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by pegorin, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. pegorin

    pegorin Guest

    I own a 1999 Civic EX with about 123K miles. About six months ago the
    alternator conked out; I went to Mechanic #1, who replaced it with a
    second. When the replacement turned out to be defective, he replaced
    it with a third. When that one turned out to be defective too, I went
    to Mechanic #2, who installed a fourth. The car still didn't start,
    so he gave me a jump, and also replaced the master fuse, which he
    noticed had burnt out. Upon leaving the garage, I found that the
    clock and radio no longer worked. Although the alternator has held
    steady to this day, it cost me over $600 to have the burnt-out clock/
    radio replaced by Mechanic #3. Mechanic #2 claims he is not liable; I
    don't see anyone else who could have caused the failure. Who's
    right? Thanks very much, in advance.
    pegorin, Dec 28, 2007
  2. pegorin

    Michael Guest


    It is just not possible to assess blame with this information. Radios
    fail. It it best not to replace them with original equipment radios
    because these radios cost way to much and perform poorly when compared
    to after market equipment. I replaced the radio in my 98 CRV with a Sony
    model that plays mp3s. I am very happy with this radio and it cost $200
    installed. '

    I understand why you would feel frustrated and angry about this. I just
    don't think it is possible to really find the guilty party here.

    Michael, Dec 29, 2007
  3. replace the radio fuse, its under the hood on your car.

    loewent via, Dec 30, 2007
  4. pegorin

    motsco_ Guest

    motsco_, Dec 30, 2007
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