Radio theft code

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jay A, Nov 11, 2003.

  1. Jay A

    Jay A Guest

    I just bought a used '02 Accord LX. The owner's manual talks about the code
    needed in some models to restart the radio once power is disconnected from
    it but I do not know if the radio in my car has this requirement. Does
    anyone know if the '02 LX (4 cylinder) came equipped with this radio? How
    can I tell, and if I DO need the code, will Honda be able to furnish it for
    me, or will I have to buy a new radio once I replace my battery?
    Jay A, Nov 11, 2003
  2. Jay A

    jim Guest

    we bought a 01 honda, civic back in 01 whwen it was new.. the salesman
    put the car radio code on the owners manual cover and explained what it
    was and how to reset it if we ever remove the battery... go back to the
    previous owneer and get this info. you will need it to get the radio
    back playing if you disconnect the battery.. its a theft deterret... no
    one is gonna steal a radio that they cannot get to play.......
    jim, Nov 11, 2003
  3. Not the LX, no. Your owner's manual should have specified that.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 11, 2003
  4. IF you had such a radio, it would have a flashing red light on it when
    the key is turned off. Does yours?

    IF you had such a radio, all you need is the radio serial number in
    order for Honda to give you the radio code. On your car, IF you need to
    find that, and IF the previous owner didn't put the radio serial number
    sticker in the glove box like he was strongly advised to, it's brutally
    simple to pull the radio and look on the radio itself.

    But the LX doesn't come with such a radio. IF you have such a radio,
    the previous owner added it afterward.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Nov 11, 2003
  5. Jay A

    Jay A Guest

    Thanks to all. No, I have no blinking red light on the radio so I guess it's
    not the one.

    One thing I don't understand...if the idea of such radios with the code is
    as a theft deterrent, well then isn't it only a deterrent to those who KNOW
    about it? How much of a deterrent is it to someone who doesn't know what he
    is other words, why bother with this?
    Jay A, Nov 12, 2003
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