Raising Seat on Accord DX

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Logic Design, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Logic Design

    Logic Design Guest

    Does anyone has a suggestion on how to raise the seat in an in a 2003 Accord
    DX? I have been to several auto parts but nothing even close is available.

    Thanks in advance
    Logic Design, Feb 15, 2005
  2. Logic Design

    rjdriver Guest

    Perhaps the same set of parts (motor, brackets, switch, etc.) that raise the
    seat in the 2003 EX? I havn't compared the seat and underseat designs
    between the two models, but I would be surprised if they are different. If
    they are the same, retrofit should be relatively easy, although since you
    may be forced to buy the parts from a dealer, it could get costly.

    rjdriver, Feb 16, 2005
  3. Logic Design

    chasa Guest

    I looked at the seat mounting on my '01 Accord and can't see any way
    to move the track up nor move the seat higher.
    I suggest that if you don't have side air bags, buy seat shirts or
    seat covers and install a pillow under the seat cover. That should
    allow you to sit higher.
    I have side air bags and they are mounted in the seats so I can't
    install covers.
    chasa, Feb 17, 2005
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