Rattling windshield pillar covers

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dold, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. dold

    dold Guest

    2003 Honda Civic Hybrid.
    This car is so quiet that the rattling from the windshield pillar plastic
    covers is driving me nuts.
    I thought there was something loose inside the pillar, like maybe an airbag
    cable, but I've decided that it is the cover itself.
    I complained about it on a service visit, but they couldn't reproduce the
    noise ;-(
    Now I can make it rattle by tapping against it with my fingers. It only
    makes the noise under normal driving conditions at certain temperatures.
    I'd like to glue or pad it, but I can't see how to remove the covers.
    Is this simple, or should I take it back to the dealer?
    dold, Dec 1, 2003
  2. Take it back as fast as you can. Don't let them get away with it.

    My 2004 Accord has the same rattles (plus more) and its pissing me off. I'm
    taking mine in soon as well.
    Chris Aseltine, Dec 1, 2003
  3. dold

    SoCalMike Guest

    yes, or you can slip some felt behind it, because thats all the dealer is
    going to do. except their felt has an adhesive backing, and a fancy name-
    "isolation tape"
    SoCalMike, Dec 2, 2003
  4. dold

    dold Guest

    How far can I pull it out? It looks like it tucks in behind the dash and
    the piece coming over the door. I tried sticking a business card between
    the windshield and the plastic, and that's a tight fit.
    dold, Dec 2, 2003
  5. dold

    TeGGeR Guest

    spake unto the assembled masses in
    The car is still under warranty. If the rattle is bad enough, you can talk
    them into keeping the car long enought to track down and fix the source

    If you want to solve it on your own, try to locate exactly where the rattle
    is coming from and make a note of it. The trim is held in place with
    plastic tabs that pass through metal spring clips inserted into the sheet
    steel of the A-pillar.

    Warning: The trim is FRAGILE and very EXPENSIVE, be careful not to break

    If you grasp the edges of the trim with your fingertipes and pull gently,
    you should be able to feel more resistance where the clips are located. The
    plastic will be springier *between* the clips. At each clip location, grasp
    the trim firmly and pull sharply outwards.

    The shop repair manual will give the exact location of all the clips by the

    The clip or plastic tab should pop out. Keep going until they are all free.
    At this point you should be able to remove the trim and stick foam rubber
    or felt where you think the rattle is coming from. Putting the trim back is
    just a matter of putting it back in position and pressing each clip home
    with your fingers.

    Warning: Those plastic tabs are FRAGILE. Anytime you remove trim, you stand
    the great risk that one or more of the tabs will break off, resulting in
    even more rattles. Once they break off, you cannot fix them. Trim's not
    really made to be removed these days.
    TeGGeR, Dec 2, 2003
  6. dold

    Bo Williams Guest

    I'd add that you can significantly enhance your chance of success by
    doing this when it's warm. Don't go monkeying with it when it's 20
    degrees outside.

    Can you not sneak a little piece of foam in behind the trim without
    removing it? I'd sure try that first. Leave yourself enough to pull it
    out if it doesn't solve the problem; if it does, just trim it flush.
    You don't need much material at all to significantly alter the
    characteristics of the piece--when it resonates, etc.
    Bo Williams, Dec 2, 2003
  7. dold

    dold Guest

    It's really a choice of three:
    1- fix it myself
    2- take it back to the dealer for just this one item.
    3- wait for the next scheduled service, when the car will be about 10
    months old, if interior trim would still be under warranty by that time.
    I have the shop manual, which shows the clips. I am not encouraged about
    how easy it might be to pull the trim off. It looks like it goes down
    below the level of the dashboard, or maybe it just flexes into that space a
    little bit.
    I don't like that possibility much at all.
    I got that part ;-)

    I think I'll take it in. That way if the trim breaks, it'll get replaced.
    Maybe that's why they don't open it up unless they hear it.
    The only question is "now or later".
    dold, Dec 2, 2003
  8. dold

    Jorgy! Guest

    Take it back to the dealer to fix - they fixed mine in one visit and
    were very aware of the problem.

    God Bless - Jorgy!
    Jorgy!, Dec 2, 2003
  9. dold

    TeGGeR Guest

    spake unto the assembled masses in

    You're a smart fellow. Warranties are handy things sometimes. Let *them*
    break it.
    TeGGeR, Dec 2, 2003
  10. dold

    TeGGeR Guest

    Excellent suggestion and very relevant considering it's winter now. That
    plastic will absolutely be very brittle in the cold. And the metal clips
    will have contracted a bit and will grip the tab just a little bit harder.
    TeGGeR, Dec 2, 2003
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