Rear bumper falling off slowly?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Shepard, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. John Shepard

    John Shepard Guest

    Hi All,

    My 99 Honda Civic (HX)'s rear bumper seems to be slowly developing a gap
    where the bumper is connected to the side of the body frame. It's
    almost as if whatever clamps where holding it in place are loosening so
    it seems like the bumper is ditending from the body.

    Could anyone tell me what may be going on here, hopefully before the
    thing decides to just fall off one day.

    Thanks in Advance,

    John Shepard, Jul 26, 2006
  2. John Shepard

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Rust has dissolved the extension of the rear quarter panel that the bumper
    slots onto. Almost every Civic of that generation has terrible problems
    with rust in that area.
    TeGGeR®, Jul 26, 2006
  3. John Shepard

    runsrealfast Guest

    I haven't seen a civic of that generation that does not have that
    problem here in Idaho where the rust is accelerated
    runsrealfast, Jul 26, 2006
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