Rear spoilers and safety?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by frankB, Jan 4, 2004.

  1. frankB

    NetSock Guest


    Wow...this idiot telling someone else the "look stupid"?

    LOL! LOL!

    Ok Mikey...then please show us the proof that these "small tail wings" don't
    have any effect until "150 MPH".

    Please...we are waiting...

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Jan 5, 2004
  2. Makes no difference. Someone not paying attention to brake lights in front
    of them will still rear end you. The only thing is that the spoiler may
    block a bit of rear vision.
    Alex Rodriguez, Jan 5, 2004
  3. There are two uses for a spoiler. They can add downforce to the rear of
    your car or they can simply smooth the airflow to give you less drag. Porshe
    spoiler are the type that add downforce. The spoilers on most cars are the
    type that smooth the airflow for lower drag numbers. So while they don't
    provide downforce, they are functional.
    Alex Rodriguez, Jan 5, 2004
  4. The only difference is that one is upside down. The horizontal
    stabilizer on an airplane produces negative lift in neutral trim.
    Again, it doesn't have to be moving at 150 mph to do so.

    Again, I am not claiming that wings on production cars do anything,
    merely pointing out that you are (surprise) full of shit.
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 5, 2004
  5. frankB

    MajorDomo Guest

    Now THAT is funny. I'll bet there is one Italian inventor that
    would be laughing his head off, if he were still alive.

    mike hunt
    MajorDomo, Jan 5, 2004
  6. frankB

    MajorDomo Guest

    You are a riot, keep posting, the levity is appreciated.

    mike hunt

    MajorDomo, Jan 5, 2004
  7. frankB

    John Ings Guest

    Show me your wind tunnel results.
    John Ings, Jan 5, 2004
  8. frankB

    froglewis Guest

    you dont need to be doing 150mph to generate downforce with the spoiler, how
    veer this is probaly only when you will need it, i dont know. a lot of cars
    have spoilers nowadays, cosmetic a lot of them and not needed. i doubt a
    standard front engine civic with ever encounter a need for the ORGINAL
    INTENDED use of its spoiler.

    just what i think
    froglewis, Jan 5, 2004
  9. frankB

    MajorDomo Guest

    I get paid to teach schools, so I have no intention of offering
    to teaching one in a NG, but think about this; Do you think the
    air moving over a rear spoiler is what actually causes the down
    force on the rear of the vehicle? Why it it called a spoiler?
    What is it intended to spoil? What is the result of that spoiled
    air flow? Do some research and after you discover the answers to
    those questions you will understand why it is generally only
    BENEFICIAL at speeds above 150.

    mike hunt
    MajorDomo, Jan 6, 2004
  10. frankB

    Sean Dinh Guest

    There are 2 concepts for spoilers. When mounted in the air stream, they operate in
    the wing mode. This generate lift and drags. This concept is exploited in cars
    like Touring, CART and Formula 1, to gain major rear traction and stability.

    When spoilers are mounted below and near the boundary of the air stream, they are
    merely deflectors. They reduces lift and drag. This concept is exploited in cars
    made by Lexus, BMW and others, to increase minor rear traction and stability.

    However, if there is a major flaw in the design or the mounting, a spoiler could
    actually spoil.

    Btw, a properly designed spoiler would spoil turbulent flow. That's why we call
    them spoilers.
    Sean Dinh, Jan 6, 2004
  11. frankB

    TCS Guest

    It serves as little function as pinstripping. It's only function is "too look

    It doesn't really detract from safety; it it were large enough to function
    then it might be a danger to a bicycler impaling himself on it like the old
    caddy fishtail fins did.
    TCS, Jan 6, 2004
  12. Can't think of any great Italian aviation pioneers - most were French
    or American.

    If you have a specific argument against what I have said, then make
    it. I stand 100% behind the statement below and I have designed,
    built and flown more than a few flying machines in my life. A lot of
    them would literally smoke your Rustang.
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 6, 2004
  13. frankB

    NetSock Guest

    Where the "150 MPH" explanation Mikey?

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Jan 6, 2004
  14. frankB

    NetSock Guest

    Tell us Mikey...why is that funny?
    And why would he be laughing at that explanation Mikey? Please tell us.

    BTW, where's the "150 MPH" explanation?
    NetSock, Jan 6, 2004
  15. frankB

    NetSock Guest


    What do you teach the schools to do Mikey?!

    I get paid as a teacher, so I have no intention of offering teaching to an
    idiot who rides the short bus, however, I will inform you that your
    stuttering is starting to show in your writings, and your question is not in
    proper format.
    See above.
    Oh I, all of a sudden, it "...generally only beneficial..." at
    speeds above 150.

    Changing you story, huh? Squirming again Mikey? :)

    You are TOOOO funny to watch man... :)

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Jan 6, 2004
  16. frankB

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Apparently you know little of aviation as well. Any one involved
    in aviation knows that without the work of that
    Italian gentleman, there would be no aviation. LOL

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Jan 6, 2004
  17. frankB

    NetSock Guest

    It is obvious that Gordon has more aviation experience and credentials than
    you. In fact, given this thread, you have proven you know very little about
    aviation and aerodynamics.

    And if you are refereeing to the Italian, Leonardo da Vinci, you again show
    your ignorance on the matter. da Vinci actually did little with aviation,
    other than some basic theories, sketches, and models (all of which failed).
    While his aviation concept is well known, he had little to no impact on
    human flight and modern aviation. He died in 1519 (I think)...almost 400
    years before any successful human flight. Don't you think that if he had had
    that great of impact on aviation, it wouldn't have taken so long after his
    death to accomplish it?

    For you to make such a statement "Any one involved in aviation knows that
    without the work of that Italian gentleman, there would be no aviation."
    only proves once have no idea what you are talking about, and
    talk out you ass.

    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Jan 6, 2004
  18. frankB

    MikeHunt2 Guest

    Get real, it was not Leonardo da Vinci. Did you daddy do
    you home work when you were in school? I'm not going to do your
    research. After you do some research and discover who,
    get back to us. ;)

    mike hunt
    MikeHunt2, Jan 6, 2004
  19. frankB

    NetSock Guest


    I don't understand the is not in proper syntax.

    get back to me, when you can master simple english sentence structure.
    '03 S2000
    '94 Accord

    It's just about going fast...that's all...
    NetSock, Jan 6, 2004
  20. You could try contacting any of the teams shown here: and if you're particularly interested in
    Hondas, Arena Motorosport though I expect the info is secret. Now they
    *are* able to go a little faster than we are usually allowed to drive on
    the road but I see no harm in making a streetcar which has some racing
    inspired appendages.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Jan 6, 2004
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