rear tires cupping on '97 Civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Robert, May 8, 2004.

  1. Robert

    Robert Guest

    My rear tires are cupping on my 97 Civic with 100K miles. My local mechanic
    (not Honda tech) says that my rear struts need to be replaced.
    Isn't it unusual for the rear struts to wear out before the front struts?
    Can there be something else that is causing the rear tires to cup on the
    inside of the tire?

    Robert, May 8, 2004
  2. Robert

    canuguy Guest

    My friend had to replace rear struts on his 95 civic b4 his front ones...
    canuguy, May 9, 2004
  3. Robert

    Eric Guest

    Another cause could be that the wheel is out of balance.

    Eric, May 9, 2004
  4. Robert

    jim beam Guest

    is it both sides or just one? i saw a situation where one of the rear
    lower control arms had been put in upside down causing one side to be
    "light" on the ground - the tire cupped badly.
    jim beam, May 9, 2004
  5. Robert

    pankoski Guest

    What kind of tires? 60% of the time it can be blamed on crappy
    pankoski, May 10, 2004
  6. Robert

    Edward Hayes Guest

    Or bad shocks;
    Edward Hayes, May 11, 2004
  7. Robert

    Charlie S Guest

    If your rear wheels are not parallel, one tire tread is dragged
    sideways ( tread not centered under the wheel) until the stress in the
    tire builds up and the tread is dragged back to under the wheel. This
    wears out a tire in a 100 miles. This assumes
    Check the rear alignment.

    Another suggestion.......get someone to drive your car on a smooth
    road at say 60 mph and you look at the tire from another car. Is the
    wheel bouncing or jerking? Bouncing would probably be out of ballance
    and jerking would be alignment.

    My experience with extreme tire cupping was that my Saab 900T's tube
    axle was bent. I paid for an alignment, the shop took my money then
    told me they could not alignment the rear and I needed a new axle.
    Hondas don't have tube axles so you are on your own.
    Charlie S, May 11, 2004
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