rear window...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mohd Mazran Ibrahim, Aug 23, 2003.

  1. Hi, anybody know how to unlock the child safety for the rear window. I want
    to make it roll down all the way. Thank you.
    Mohd Mazran Ibrahim, Aug 23, 2003
  2. Mohd Mazran Ibrahim

    E. Meyer Guest

    What car, what model? Most cars do not roll all the way down because the
    manufacturers are too cheap to put the extra bend in the track to clear the
    wheel wells. Child safety is just an excuse.
    E. Meyer, Aug 23, 2003
  3. Civic there any way i can make it roll all the way??
    Mohd Mazran Ibrahim, Aug 23, 2003
  4. Mohd Mazran Ibrahim

    E. Meyer Guest


    But ... if one side is going further down than the other, there could be an
    obstruction or damage to a window track.

    If they don't move at all and it has power windows, there is a switch on the
    driver's door that turns them on and off.
    E. Meyer, Aug 23, 2003
  5. as other's have said, it really can't be done. Step back and look at the
    window and the door. You'll notice that the door is narrower at the bottom
    to clear the wheel. Since the window is wider than the narrow part of the
    door, it can't go down all the way.
    Peter Doherty, Aug 24, 2003
  6. Mohd Mazran Ibrahim

    TL Guest

    The child safety has to do with locks on the doors, not the windows.
    The only child safety aspect has to do with power windows and being
    able to turn off the power to the switches in the rear from the
    driver's door. Again, has nothing what so ever to do with how far the
    window goes down.
    TL, Aug 24, 2003
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