Rear wiper on a sedan?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tegger, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    Such a thing actually exists. And I took a picture of it.

    This Nissan Skyline of unknown vintage lives across the street from where I
    work, and I discovered it just last week. What a cool car. I always
    wondered why Nissan never sold it in Canada or the US.
    Tegger, Oct 22, 2009
  2. Tegger

    Brian Smith Guest

    I have never seen the need for a rear wiper on any vehicle. They are a
    waste through and through.
    Brian Smith, Oct 22, 2009
  3. Tegger

    Brian Smith Guest

    I have never seen the need for a rear wiper on any vehicle. They are a
    waste through and through.
    Brian Smith, Oct 22, 2009
  4. Tegger

    Joe Guest

    I found rear wipers to be very useful on my minivans in the winter.
    When driving in light snow, it would accumulate on the rear window. A
    quick swish of the wiper took care of it much quicker than the
    Joe, Oct 22, 2009
  5. Tegger

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Due to the aerodynamics, rear wipers are more "essential" on vehicles
    with close to vertical rear windows. My wife's Camary doesn't collect
    nearly as much spray as my Fit.

    - dillon I am not invalid

    "Always shoot first. At the very least you'll
    distract the guy enough to make the second one count"
    -- Lazurus Long
    Dillon Pyron, Oct 22, 2009
  6. Tegger

    M.A. Stewart Guest

    You live in the land of vitamin K and Alpine, with it's climate, and you
    think a rear wiper/washer system is a waste? I hate cars without rear
    wiper/washers. They are not a waste... you have obviously never driven
    a car with the system.
    M.A. Stewart, Oct 22, 2009
  7. Tegger

    Joe Guest

    Absolutely. The 06 Civic's rear window is heavily slanted, and
    collects nothing while moving, but the minivans collected loads of
    snow, especially during a light snowfall...
    Joe, Oct 22, 2009
  8. Tegger

    Brian Smith Guest

    A rear window isn't even a necessity, that why we have outside mirrors.
    Brian Smith, Oct 22, 2009
  9. Tegger

    E. Meyer Guest

    Don't know about the rear wiper, but Nissan is finally selling the Skyline
    in the US. Its called the GT-R, has 480 horsepower out of a twin turbine V6
    & costs about $85k US.
    E. Meyer, Oct 22, 2009
  10. Tegger

    E. Meyer Guest

    Don't know about the rear wiper, but Nissan is finally selling the Skyline
    in the US. Its called the GT-R, has 480 horsepower out of a twin turbine V6
    & costs about $85k US.
    E. Meyer, Oct 22, 2009
  11. Tegger

    thomas Guest

    Blimey - don't you drive ?
    thomas, Oct 22, 2009
  12. Tegger

    thomas Guest

    Blimey - don't you drive ?
    thomas, Oct 22, 2009
  13. Tegger

    Clete Guest

    You must ignore his ramblings.
    Clete, Oct 22, 2009
  14. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    I think it's pretty safe to say the GT-R will be a "niche" vehicle.
    Tegger, Oct 23, 2009
  15. Tegger

    Tegger Guest

    I think it's pretty safe to say the GT-R will be a "niche" vehicle.
    Tegger, Oct 23, 2009
  16. Tegger

    Brian Smith Guest

    I've been driving for almost forty years. I have never had a need to
    look out the rear window of any vehicle I have driven over the years.
    Side mirrors are far more accurate to use to keep track of what is going
    on around any vehicle.
    Brian Smith, Oct 23, 2009
  17. Tegger

    Brian Smith Guest

    I've been driving for almost forty years. I have never had a need to
    look out the rear window of any vehicle I have driven over the years.
    Side mirrors are far more accurate to use to keep track of what is going
    on around any vehicle.
    Brian Smith, Oct 23, 2009
  18. Tegger

    Joe Guest

    Please, do not drive near me.
    Joe, Oct 23, 2009
  19. Tegger

    Joe Guest

    Please, do not drive near me.
    Joe, Oct 23, 2009
  20. Tegger

    Brian Smith Guest

    Why are you dangerous?
    Brian Smith, Oct 23, 2009
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