recycling used oil

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jim beam, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. jim beam

    jim beam Guest

    went to the used oil collection center today and offloaded my used oil
    into the tank. it had a sticker on it [partially peeled off so i
    couldn't read it all] with the words "property of valvoline..." on it.
    now, either valvoline has a side business selling/renting oil collection
    tanks, /or/ they have an interest in used oil!

    synthetic? just a thought.
    jim beam, Jan 30, 2006
  2. jim beam

    butch burton Guest

    No - synthetic is a totally different critter. Some places charge for
    taking used oil. I always find a local business place that burns it -
    usually a local garage - they are always happy to take 15 gallons of
    used motor oil - no radiator coolant, paint or gasoline though. With
    gas prices going through the roof - more people may start burning used
    butch burton, Jan 30, 2006
  3. jim beam

    TWW Guest

    I have found that getting rid of used oil is becoming more of a problem. If
    you bought the oil from the autoparts store and have receipts, then they
    will take it. I suspect many people just throw it in the trash still. I
    find it easier to just have my dealer change the oil on our cars.
    TWW, Jan 31, 2006
  4. jim beam

    jim beam Guest

    not necessarily. depends on which kind of "synthetic" you're referring to.
    sheesh, that's really not a healthy thing for anyone downstream of the burn.
    that is /NOT/ a sensible thing. bearings contain lead. i'd not care to
    fill my garage with lead vapors. but then again, this is what the
    darwin awards are all about, so hey, go ahead - cleanse the gene pool!
    jim beam, Jan 31, 2006
  5. jim beam

    jim beam Guest

    i'm in california - oil collection centers have to do it for free -
    helps reduce dumping and subsequent pollution.
    jim beam, Jan 31, 2006
  6. jim beam

    TWW Guest

    Makes too much sense for our local governments in GA
    TWW, Feb 1, 2006
  7. jim beam

    Sid Guest

    Same here in Texas. Anyplace that sells X amount of oil is required by law
    to accept used oil for recycle no matter where it was originally purchased.
    So that includes Wal-Mart, all the auto parts stores, quick change places,
    etc., but not the convenience stores.

    The law doesn't include the oil filters though, which was an oversight in my
    opinion. It ends up in the trash mostly.

    Every once in while a good law comes along.

    Sid, Feb 2, 2006
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