Refilling transmission fluid

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Kelvin Goveas, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. Hi,

    I believe I have a slow leak in the transmission fluid on my 93 Honda
    Accord LX with manual transmission. I wanted to add some more fluid till I
    can get the problem checked out at a mechanic. I was reading the
    instructions on a repair manual and it seemed like it was a bit awkward to
    do this. I was going to unscrew the inspection bolt from underneath the car
    and add the fluid through a funnel, positioned horizontally.

    Is there a way to refill the transmission fluid from above, without having
    to go underneath the car, maybe with a really long funnel?
    Is it ok to use transmission fluid from a non-Honda commercial shop like
    Is there any danger in putting in too much transmission fluid?

    Thanks for your help,
    Kelvin Goveas, Nov 2, 2003
  2. Short trans funnel, half inch clear tubing, and a half inch ninety-degree
    hose barb.
    Hose barb slips into fill hole.

    Could only be easier if someone else does it. *s*
    Stephen Bigelow, Nov 2, 2003
  3. Kelvin,
    I advise you to have this done at a Honda Service Center. If you mess
    up--you could do damage to your tranny--esp. if you use the wrong type of
    transmission fluid. If you think you are losing fluid--the best way to
    find out is to take a large card board box and remove all of the tape to
    make it flat. Place it under the engine portion of the car for a couple of
    days. Make sure the weather forecast is reporting that there wil be no
    rain during those couple of days. If anything is leaking--you should be
    able to see it on the cardboard.
    Bill B. Johnson, Nov 3, 2003
  4. Kelvin Goveas

    Eric Guest

    Be careful which fluid you choose. Most Honda transmissions have
    historically required an oil which is compatible with engine oil. If fact,
    many shops use engine oil in Honda trannies. Do NOT use anything that
    resembles 80-90w gear oil. It will usually kill a Honda tranny. Make sure
    that you check the owner's manual for the correct oil.
    Many folks just fill it to the point where it's just beginning to leak out
    of the fill hole. However, I believe that the spec is just under this,
    i.e., where you can just feel the oil through the fill hole. Make sure the
    car is level and you should be ok with the prior method. So if you jack up
    the front end of the car, be sure to raise the rear up as well.

    Eric, Nov 3, 2003
  5. Kelvin Goveas

    z Guest

    Either use some kind of pressurized gadget to push the oil through the
    hole, or else hold a funnel up beside the fender with a hose over the
    end down into the hole. Helps if you pull the wheel off first. Trouble
    is, when you jam a hose onto a tapered funnel tip, when it gets oily
    it wants to slip off. Most easy if you have somebody to hold the
    funnel end and somebody else do work the transmission end.
    Suggest using the Honda MTL manual trans lube they sell now, although
    it wasn't available in 93. Or else, regular motor oil. Not gear oil.
    Naw, basically you just pour it in until it starts to drool out the
    hole and that's full.
    z, Nov 17, 2003
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