Relay or Fuel Pump or ??!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tony Muller, Aug 9, 2004.

  1. Tony Muller

    Tony Muller Guest

    HI All - new here, and I've learned a LOT by reading back articles for a
    few days; thanks! I've got a problem with a '90 Civic Wagon AWD.

    Symptoms - the car would not start when 'warm', and this started a
    couple of months ago, as the temps started to climb here in SoCal. It
    would run fine, then... after a quick stop, would refuse to start. I'd
    wait a few minutes, and almost always, it would re-start and run fine. I
    _never_ had any problems once the car was running - ran smooth, no
    'missing', etc. SOMEtimes, the car would "try" to start - fire, and
    vroom up for a split second, then die. But woyld then "really_ start
    after a few minutes of waiting (cooling?)

    The other day, I did a quick errand, came out to start the car, and all
    it did was crank and crank... wouldn't start. THIS time, even after
    _several_ attemps, I had to call for a ride. Of course, the car failed
    AWAY from home (but only a mile or two) Still, I'm getting VERY tired of
    going back and forth, diagnosing and 'testing' various theories!

    After reading lots of great info (thanks!!) I assumed the Main Relay.
    Finally found the sucker and took it out. Resoldered and tested the
    relay per instructions in a Haynes manual, and it tests fine. All
    switches seem to swith, as tested w/12V and continuity meter.

    Plugged the relay back into the car - no go. Cranks like crazy, but will
    NOT start/run.

    So, I turn to the fuel pump. PREVIOUSLY, I _thought_ I could hear it
    whirring. Now, it doesn't seem to 'whirr' when the key is turned on-??
    Also, prior to this , there WAS the starting issue, but nothing else.

    Questions for you Gurus and more experienced mechanics -

    € Can the Main Relay "test" OK, but still not work?

    € How often do Fuel Pumps fail & do I _really_ need to remove the tank
    to get at it??

    € Can the fuel pump fail 'intermittenly'? (seems like it would either
    work, or NOT work... this is - or was 'til the other day! - an
    intermitten problem.

    € Could it be the Coil? There IS spark at the plugs, but I read
    somewhere this isn't fool-proof.

    So... do I buy a new Main Relay (I'd rather NOT spend the $60 -
    especially if I don't need to!) Do I replace the fuel pump? Help!! :)

    If I can't get this fixed soon, I ned to tow the sucker home to keep
    diagnosing and testing... I fell like I'm close, but I'm hoping for some
    wisdom & advice! :)


    PS - If you don't mind, please send replies as e-mail AND posts to the
    ng.. remember to remove spam blocker - thanks!

    Tony Muller, Aug 9, 2004
  2. Tony Muller

    John Ings Guest

    On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 17:26:32 GMT, Tony Muller

    If the fuel pump is not whirring and you have a meter, check for 12
    volts back at the fuel pump. That needs two people usually, since the
    voltage will only be there for a second or two while the ignition
    switch is turned. There are usually a pair of disconnects near it just
    ahead of the left rear wheel-- one for it's power, and one for the
    gound. Those can get corroded. Could even be a loose fuse. Do you know
    how to twist the tang on a fuse a bit so it makes better contact? A
    bad ground on the fuel pump is also a possibility. Such ground
    connections are often a rediculously long way from the pump itself.
    John Ings, Aug 9, 2004
  3. Tony Muller

    Tony Muller Guest

    Thanks! I finally had the car towed back 'home'. It died a mile or two
    from home, and I've been traveling back & forth trying to fix the darned
    thing. Of course, each trip I was missing a tool, guage, or SOMEthing.
    Now that it's here, where I have an "assistant", I can do some more
    thorough checking.

    Does anyone know if a relay can test OK out of the car, and NOT work IN
    the car? And is the following test conclusive? Heres what I did -

    12V to #4, Ground to #8 - got continuity between 5 & 7
    12V to #5, Ground to #2 - got continuity between 1 & 3
    12V to #3, Ground to #8 - got continuity between 5 & 7

    Thanks for all the help & keep any suggestions coming! Once this is
    done, I'll be sure to post a final re-cap and solution.


    Tony Muller, Aug 10, 2004
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