Remote locking weirdness

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by petekemp47, Jan 8, 2010.

  1. petekemp47

    petekemp47 Guest

    2003 2-dr Accord LX, v6

    The remote locking on this car has a mind of its own. Pressing the lock
    button will honk the horn but not lock the doors. Every once in a while
    the the doors will lock. Manually locking works just fine. The trunk
    release also works without any problem. Replaced the battery in the key
    but still get same results.

    Anyone experienced this problem and know of a solution? Is there a
    programing reset that might fix it?

    Any help/advise would be greatly appreciated.
    petekemp47, Jan 8, 2010
  2. petekemp47

    HowardH Guest

    Have you tried the master power switch on the drivers door?
    If that's not working you may be looking at replacing the door lock actuator
    in that door. It controls the actuator on the passenger door also.
    HowardH, Jan 8, 2010
  3. petekemp47

    Peter Kemp Guest

    THanks for the reply. Is the actuator located in the control panel of
    the door or somewhere else in the car? The other problem I'm having is
    the passenger window doesn't operate. When I try to operate the
    passenger window from the driver's side, I can hear a clicking in the
    switch. I replaced the passenger door control but still hear the
    clicking and the window won't work. Could these two problems be related?
    Peter Kemp, Jan 9, 2010
  4. petekemp47

    Howard Guest

    The actuator is in the driver door and it is attached/mounted to the latch
    assembly. Some year/models you can buy the actuator by itself and other
    years it is a complete assembly with the latch.
    I'm sorry, I can't answer definitely if it is related but my guess is that
    it is. There is a module (again on some models), I believe it's called a
    multiplex control that controls or ties in all these functions and other
    power systems. But, you have one window that works, so I could be off base.
    Good luck.
    Howard, Jan 9, 2010
  5. petekemp47

    Stewart Guest

    Did the control in the drivers side happen to get wet (very)? I only
    say that because I noticed in my 04 that if it rains hard and the
    window is slightly open at the top, all the water drips on the door
    control. I haven't experienced this problem myself, but the first
    time I saw the way the water hit it I thought it could be a potential
    Stewart, Jan 10, 2010
  6. petekemp47

    MLD Guest

    For no apparent reason I experienced something kind of similar. I could
    lock all the doors with the remote but not get the horn to beep and the
    alarm system to activate. Also, even with the key in the ignition the car
    doors would lock on its own in a random manner. Didn't dare leave the key
    in the car when at the gas pump for fear I'd get locked out (did try a new
    remote battery and it didn't help). This lasted for quite a long time and
    then for no reason, everything went back to operating normally I have a
    hunch the cold weather had something to do with it; it's the only thing
    that I can think of. It's been working without incident for quite a while
    MLD, Jan 10, 2010
  7. petekemp47

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I wonder if disconnecting the car battery for 15 minutes would clear any
    programming and reset the system to "factory" settings?

    then,I'd RTFM first,maybe it has a clue about this.

    Jim Yanik
    dot com
    Jim Yanik, Jan 11, 2010
  8. petekemp47

    Howard Guest

    Replacing the driver door lock actuator has been the most common repair for
    "phantom door locking"
    Howard, Jan 12, 2010
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