Remove painted pin stripe?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by The Other Mike, May 12, 2006.

  1. While looking for a new Honda, I found the exact model/color/options I
    want at a certain dealership. Unfortunately this particular dealer
    puts pin stripes on all vehicles they sell...and to me, it looks like
    crap. So...I want the stripe removed but am afraid they'll ruin the
    clear coat if it's taken off. They claim it's painted on and not a
    sticker. Is there any way for them to remove the stripe without
    damaging the clearcoat or paint? They say yes but I'm just thinking
    they'll say anything to sell the car...I also asked that if in 6
    months I notice fading or anything in the spot where they took off the
    stripe if it's covered by the dealership under the warranty and they
    said no. So is this a safe gamble letting them take it off or do I
    hold out and go elsewhere?
    The Other Mike, May 12, 2006
  2. The Other Mike

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I *seriously* doubt that. Hand-painting is very, very expensive compared to

    They don't want to remove it because the stuff is *extremely* difficult to
    get off without leaving some sort of marks on the paint, and they don't
    want to be held responsible when that happens.

    If you want to try yourself, you can get an old credit card, and skive one
    edge off at a sharp angle with a knife. Now just dig away at the stripe
    until it's gone, using baby oil as lubricant. Any remaining adhesive should
    come off with Goo Gone. You'll very likely have to get a detailing place to
    give the car a buff and wax after, as the removal will be obvious.

    Good luck. I hate pinstripes.
    TeGGeR®, May 13, 2006
  3. The Other Mike

    SoCalMike Guest

    if you dont *need* the car right now, id order one without the
    stupid-assed stripe.

    personally, i wouldnt bother with that dealership. they seem like jackasses.
    SoCalMike, May 13, 2006
  4. The Other Mike

    butch burton Guest

    Loading up cars with dealer extras is a way for dealers to screw their
    customers into taking something they don't want/need. Find another
    dealer. What else did these turkeys add - fabric and paint protection.
    Have not told this story for a while - while waiting for my new accord
    having warranty work several years ago - saw this salty dude in the
    back seat of a new accord giving the seat 2 big swipes of spray across
    the back and bottom - asked him what he was doing - applying fabric
    protection - asked him how many cars a can of 3M Scotchguard spray
    would do - think it was 5 cars. Hmm - $5 can, $1 material cost/car -
    $15 to pay Red Neckerson - $20 cost for $1,500 income.

    That is a real "Stealer" act.
    butch burton, May 13, 2006
  5. The Other Mike

    Dan Beaton Guest

    There are body shop tools for removing pinstripes. Here is one
    They require a certain finesse to use without damaging the underlying
    clearcoat, but it can be done.

    (This account is not used for email.)
    Dan Beaton, May 14, 2006
  6. That's my problem...I don't trust that they'll have the finesse (and I
    sure know I don't!) to not damage the clearcoat and don't think I want
    to take a very expensive chance that they do.

    Thanks to everyone for the advice...I decided to have them get a new
    one without the striping on it. They grumbled a little bit but the
    new car is there today and am picking it up after work. Of course I
    wrote down the VIN number of the original car with the stripe to make
    sure they don't pull a fast one.
    The Other Mike, May 15, 2006
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