repair pricing verification?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bobmct, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. bobmct

    bobmct Guest


    My daughter is having her 99 Civic VP worked on by an independent
    shop. The work is to include replacing the timing belt and replacing
    all four corners with brakes (mechanic stated only 10% left).

    His quote for this is $1200. Is this usual and customary? Recently
    on this group I've read that the timing belt is approx $400 so $800
    for brakes seems high.

    Opinions? Thanks
    bobmct, Aug 10, 2008
  2. bobmct

    JXStern Guest

    I'd think the timing belt much higher, did he provide an itemized
    list? Might be a tad high for an independent shop, dealer prices
    might be somewhat higher, at least here in the big city.

    JXStern, Aug 10, 2008
  3. bobmct

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Not way out of line. I'd replace water pump and tensioner as well to
    save labor cost.
    Tony Hwang, Aug 10, 2008
  4. bobmct

    nick Guest

    I would call your local Honda dealership for a breakdown of the timing
    belt package and price, then ask the guy to do all of that as part of
    the service. This ran me about $800 when I had it done on our Accord a
    few years ago. I think $400 for all around pads is a bit much,
    especially for an independent shop.
    nick, Aug 10, 2008
  5. bobmct

    Howch Guest
    Howch, Aug 10, 2008
  6. bobmct

    bobmct Guest

    Thanks guys! repairpal was a big help! Bob
    bobmct, Aug 11, 2008
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