Replace Tie Rod Ends before alignment.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by russzee, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. russzee

    russzee Guest

    I recently replaced all 4 of my tires on my 98 Accord Couple (4Cyl). I
    then decided to go in for an alignment at which the guys there informed
    me that I would have to change both of my Front Tie rod ends before
    they could proceed with the alignment.

    My question is, how do I know when my tie rod ends have to be replaced
    ? And why can't I proceed with an alignment without replacing the tie
    rod ends ? I just want to make sure that i'm not being taken for a ride
    since they slammed me with an estimate of $450 for replacing the Tie
    rod ends and the alignment.

    Any suggestions / advice will be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You
    russzee, Mar 24, 2006
  2. russzee

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Because if they're worn, you'll have play and it will be impossible to
    proeperly set the toe.

    Not to mention that if one of your tie rod ends lets go on you, the bill to
    fix the damage will be considerably more than $450!!!!

    A reasonable cost, especially considering the consequences of not getting
    worn ball joints replaced.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 24, 2006
  3. russzee

    jim beam Guest

    did they say why? are they worn? what mileage is the car?
    when they're loose.
    if they're not loose, you can - no need to replace.
    that's way high. get a second opinion.
    state the freakin' model, age and mileage will ya?
    jim beam, Mar 24, 2006
  4. russzee

    russzee Guest

    Thanks for your responses and my apologies for not providing enough
    They said that there was slight play and that wheel alignment would be
    useless if tie rod ends have play in them.My car has 128K miles on it.

    I think they are slightly loose , not worn out.

    I will get a second opinion on the price....Thanks for the heads up on

    My car is a Honda Accord 98 , Couple (4 Cyl - Automatic) , 128K

    - Russzee
    russzee, Mar 24, 2006
  5. russzee

    TeGGeR® Guest

    SAME THING. Are you a mechanical expert? If so, then why ask here?
    TeGGeR®, Mar 25, 2006
  6. russzee

    duckbill Guest

    I would also get a second and maybe even a third opinion on the tie rods
    (what's bad, the inner or outer tie rod). It might be a shop that's
    trying to improve it's bottom line. In my experience, when you have bad
    tie rods you can tell. When driving, it will be hard to hold the car in a
    straight line. You can also jack the front of the car up,lock the steering
    and try to turn the wheels a little back and forth by grabbing the tires
    and feel for ANY play. You should have almost none.
    If your steering boots have gone bad, it can make the inner tie rods go
    bad very fast. Been there, done that. Lastly setting unneeded toe in on
    Honda's is a good money maker. I have seen shops that un-align cars. Good
    duckbill, Mar 25, 2006
  7. russzee

    jim beam Guest

    me too. keeps the punters coming back for new tires regular as
    clockwork. blame the tire or say the tie rods are worn and get even
    more money for unnecessary replacement. especially with a honda where
    this stuff is usually very durable.

    regarding remedy, if you study the run line on the tire, you can see if
    alignment is ok long before any tire wear's occurring. if you bought
    the "alignment warranty", just keep taking it back to the shop. pretty
    soon, they figure out that you're onto their little game and do it right.
    persistence pays.
    jim beam, Mar 25, 2006
  8. russzee

    russzee Guest

    Thanks alot for your insights...
    I'm taking it to another shop to get a second opinion. I'll follow up
    soon reg. the outcome .
    russzee, Mar 27, 2006
  9. Tie rods are not adjustable, so slightly loose = worn out. Next step
    is separation. That can be pretty ugly, so if they are loose do yourself,
    and others who need to be on the same roads with you, a favor and get them
    Alex Rodriguez, Mar 28, 2006
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