Replace Timing Belt

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by russzee, Mar 24, 2006.

  1. russzee

    russzee Guest

    When do I have to replace the Timing Belt for a Honda Accord 98 (4Cyl
    Its at 128,000 miles and I'm the second owner. I have no idea if the
    first owner has replaced it and don't have his contact information
    either in order to be able to find out.

    russzee, Mar 24, 2006
  2. russzee

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Six years or 90K miles ( or was it 7 and 108K by 1998?). If you have no
    idea when it was done last, get it replaced now. The consequences could be
    dire if it breaks.

    This is one of those things that can be used by a savvy buyer to get a
    break on the seller's price. If he can't show proof of it having been
    replaced, you might be able to get $400 or so off the price.

    With your age and mileage, it's entirely possible it's the original belt.
    TeGGeR®, Mar 24, 2006
  3. russzee

    tww Guest

    Per the manual in my son's 98 and the dealer -- 105k.
    tww, Mar 24, 2006
  4. russzee

    jim beam Guest

    take the cover off and look. if it was recently replaced, it'll be
    apparent from the condition of the belt backing. if it doesn't look
    new, assume it's /not/ been replaced.

    of you're doing belts, do the pump as well. oem honda pumps are fairly
    reliable, but if you have the belts off, it makes no sense not to
    replace a $45 part that can cost you thousands if it fails.
    jim beam, Mar 24, 2006
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