replacing a heater/AC fan on '91 accord COST!

Discussion in 'Accord' started by chicago, Feb 3, 2007.

  1. chicago

    chicago Guest

    I have no ventilation inside my '91 accord, what's a fair price to get this
    fixed? I was told $400 from a trusted mechanic, which is like 40% of the
    value of the car... And the temperature reaches 100F daily here in summer so
    it's essential...

    chicago, Feb 3, 2007
  2. chicago

    jim beam Guest

    what is $400 in relation to a new car payment or even insurance on that
    new car?
    jim beam, Feb 3, 2007
  3. chicago

    chicago Guest

    I dont think that was my question.
    chicago, Feb 3, 2007
  4. chicago

    Bob Guest

    I had one done on my '02 Accord. And yes, it did run close to that.
    The fan is pretty pricey to begin with and there's several hours of
    labor involved. It's NOT an easy job.

    Bob, Feb 4, 2007
  5. chicago

    motsco_ Guest


    On most mid-'90's Hondas, (Yours may not be the same) you unplug the
    connector, remove three Phillips screws, the whole fan / motor falls on
    the floor. Have you looked underneath your dash, or checked Majestic
    Honda's site for diagrams? A used blower would be cheap at the wreckers
    and the labor might be free.


    motsco_, Feb 4, 2007

  6. In addition, some of the early motors can be taken apart. Might be as
    simple as cleaning the armature (with WD-40) and re lubing or replacing
    brushes. I have "fixed" several vintage early 1980's motors that were
    otherwise declared "dead."

    Grumpy AuContraire, Feb 4, 2007
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