Replacing fuel tank drain plug - 89 Prelude

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by Zomaar, Feb 20, 2004.

  1. Zomaar

    Zomaar Guest


    I've got a fueltank leak which would appear to be coming from the drain
    plug/washer...I've bought the new bits,and I've got the workshop
    manual...has anyone got any additional tips for replacement (other than
    "don't smoke!!!")

    TIA, Ali
    Zomaar, Feb 20, 2004
  2. Zomaar

    electricked Guest

    Yeah, DONT SMOKE! ;)

    Seriously though, the only thing that can go wrong with the gas tank is if
    it catches on fire. Smoking is one way to get cause fire, another is
    electrical components that might short out (i'd turn the battery off if I
    were you), and also be carefuly while you screw and screw bolts because you
    might cause a spark that would catch the fuel tank on fire. Other than that,
    changing the washer is easy.

    electricked, Feb 20, 2004
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