replacing hood release cable on 90 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Dennyboy, Nov 14, 2003.

  1. Dennyboy

    Dennyboy Guest

    Just wondering how difficult a job it is to replace the hood release cable on a
    90 accord? Is it a hassle best left to the dealer ?

    Dennyboy, Nov 14, 2003
  2. Just wondering how difficult a job it is to
    I think fishing wires should be fun. If the problem is lubricant,
    libricating is far easier (IMO).
    Ricky Spartacus, Nov 14, 2003
  3. Dennyboy

    Chip Stein Guest

    they have clips about every 12" most of them between the fender liner
    and fender. some under the radiator support. they're easy.
    Chip Stein, Nov 15, 2003
  4. Dennyboy

    Dennyboy Guest


    The cable broke so lube not an option
    The dealer quoted 2 hrs I had figured it would be a tough job.
    But I'll do it myself.
    They don't call them stealerships for nothing!
    Dennyboy, Nov 17, 2003
  5. Dennyboy

    sat Guest

    I also have the same problem with my 1997 Honda Civic. The plastic lever (which you pull to open the hood) broke. The cable is fine though. I have to pull the broken lever with a plier or tongs to get the hood open. The dealer is aksing 2 hrs of labor to replace it. The part is under $20. Can anybody please let me know whether it is possible to do it by self? If so how to get it done?
    sat, Feb 18, 2004
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