Research for my A2 assignment on Honda dealerships

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by mr tech, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. mr tech

    mr tech Guest

    As part of my A level A2 Graphics with Materials project I am looking
    at the client's perception of dealerships amd what would possibly
    attract potential buyers into the dealership.

    I am looking at a specific dealership in Plymouth, SW UK, but would
    welcome any responses to the questions outlined below.

    To enable Honda to portray the 'right image' it is important that a
    survey of existing and potential 'new' clients is undertaken. The
    more people that are asked the more reliable the result. The
    questionnaire below will be given to a 'target group'. The
    questions asked will give me a clear indication of what they perceive
    as important.

    1. Are you male or Female? Y N

    2. What age group are you in?
    25-30 30-40 40-50 50+

    3. Do you currently own a Honda? Y N

    4. If no, have you ever owned a Honda Y N
    or would consider buying one?

    5. If no, Why?
    - Don't like the look
    - Unreliable
    - Expensive
    - Customer Service

    - Other...Please Specify.

    6. Have you visited a Honda Dealership recently? Y N

    7. If yes, what were your impressions of the showroom?

    - Depressing/dark
    - Light/airy
    - Welcoming
    - Felt threatened

    - Other...Please Specify.

    8. What improvements do you think could be made to make you visit more

    - Colour
    - Furniture
    - Entrance
    - Layout
    - Other...Please Specify.

    9. If these changes were made do you think this would influence you in
    buying a car from Honda?
    N Maybe

    10. Lastly, if Honda had completed the work and invited you to the open
    day, would you be more likely to come if we were offering a range of
    free gifts?

    Thank you for you time.

    mr tech, Nov 2, 2006
  2. mr tech

    ACAR Guest

    No questions regarding the salesdroids or sales tactics?
    ACAR, Nov 2, 2006
  3. mr tech

    mr tech Guest

    No I'm sorry but the student's remit is towards Graphical communication
    and the non person aspects of how information is got across to
    potential buyers, including the look of the showroom. I'm sure the
    psychology department more would be
    interested in that area. :)
    mr tech, Nov 2, 2006
  4. mr tech

    Gohan Ryu Guest

    Gohan Ryu, Nov 2, 2006
  5. mr tech

    ACAR Guest

    In the States, all you would have to do is visit a Lexus dealership to
    see how to do a new car showroom right. Toyota appears to have done an
    outstanding job with the research.

    These days, lots of buyers get information via the web and only go to a
    showroom to get a test drive prior to a purchase. Design of the web
    site could be more important than the showroom. In fact, once car
    companies start to open car stores at shopping malls (designed to work
    with web savvy clients) the whole showroom concept is out the window.
    ACAR, Nov 3, 2006
  6. mr tech

    mr tech Guest

    Many thanks for your comments, in my own experience I have to agree
    with you.
    However, I do find that the "feel" of the dealership does influence any
    interactions I have with them, (almost as much as the "droid"

    I am sure Emily will pay attention to the Lexus comments.

    Thanks again.

    Emily's Faculty Head
    mr tech, Nov 3, 2006
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