Reset oil filter life in Accord 2007

Discussion in 'Accord' started by T. Nguyen, May 3, 2007.

  1. T. Nguyen

    T. Nguyen Guest

    Please tell me how to reset this indicator light back to 100% as i 've just
    changed the oil and filter a while ago. Thanks
    T. Nguyen, May 3, 2007
  2. T. Nguyen

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    I'm playing the part of Elmo today... Read the fine manual that came with
    your car. It has excellent directions that are easy to perform. And the
    good news is if you can read this response, you can also read your friggin
    Joe LaVigne, May 3, 2007
  3. You read the fine owner's manual that came with your shiny new $25,000
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 3, 2007
  4. T. Nguyen

    Tegger Guest

    The car was free. You paid $25,000 for the Owner's Manual.
    Tegger, May 3, 2007
  5. What's scary is that he changed the oil for the first time *without*
    consulting any kind of manual whatsoever.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, May 3, 2007
  6. Oil is oil. I prefer Mazola, myself. Torque on the drain plug is 330 ft-lbs,
    isn't it? <8^P

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2007
  7. T. Nguyen

    Tegger Guest

    Who needs a manual? It's easy to wing it. This is what I do, and I'm not
    exaggerating in the least.

    Every time I change the oil, I go out and hunt down a bear. I use a
    carbine chambered for 7.62x39 Soviet, which has similar ballistics to
    ..30-30 and is easier to find in Darfur, where I live (and as you know,
    there is lots of war-type stuff happening in Darfur).

    I drag the bear home and skin and gut it. Then I boil the carcass down
    to make the base oil. The kids get the head to use as a soccer ball
    until the maggots get too bad.

    Now, oil needs some additives. It needs zinc, so I plop in a dollop of
    diaper cream, which contains zinc. It needs detergent, so in goes a
    squirt of Ivory dishwashing liquid. I've heard it needs some other stuff
    too, but I'm sure this will be fine.

    Using my wife's Kitchenaid mixer, I whiz the stuff up so it's smooth and
    silky. I then add it to the crankcase until the engine is full to the

    Been driving like this for almost one million miles and the car runs
    like the day it was built.
    Tegger, May 3, 2007
  8. T. Nguyen

    a Guest

    Oh now come on, that's blatant BS. Everybody knows that there are no bears
    in Darfur...


    a, May 3, 2007
  9. T. Nguyen

    Woody Guest

    All these helpful tips and he hasn't even said thanks. GEEEEEZZZZ
    Woody, May 4, 2007
  10. T. Nguyen

    bearman Guest

    Maybe he's out looking for his manual.
    bearman, May 4, 2007
  11. T. Nguyen

    Tegger Guest

    He should try looking under the sofa cushions. I lose stuff there all the
    Tegger, May 4, 2007
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