Retails Sales Ranking in California: 1) Toyota 2) Honda 3) Ford4) Chevrolet

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Horner, Aug 17, 2006.

  1. John Horner

    John Horner Guest

    It is interesting that outside of Chevrolet and GMC none of the GM
    brands show up in the top 10.

    Market share of top-selling auto brands in California in the second quarter

    Toyota: 23.4%

    Honda: 12.4%

    Ford: 9.6%

    Chevrolet: 8.2%

    Nissan: 7.0%

    Mercedes-Benz: 3.7%

    BMW: 3.7%

    Lexus: 3.6%

    Dodge: 3.6%

    GMC: 2.6%

    Source: California Motor Car Dealers Assn.
    John Horner, Aug 17, 2006
  2. John Horner

    Jeff Guest

    Why? Buick, GMC, Pontiac, Caddy, Hummer, etc., are not that popular
    anywhere. They're not great sellers. Nothing new about this.

    Jeff, Aug 17, 2006
  3. John Horner

    Myc Unter Guest

    But Ford and Chevy combined outsell Honda so that proves that Ford and
    Chevy are better than Honda. All cars are the same now anyway. Only
    difference is style and price.

    As soon as gas comes back down to 23 cents people will stop buying
    midget cars and go back to Tahoes and Hummers.

    myc unt

    PS: Ha ha you guys never notice my clever nym. Get it? ha ha, I
    laugh every time I sign it. You would never guess that I'm 73.
    Myc Unter, Aug 17, 2006
  4. John Horner

    asadi Guest

    I don't get it.


    asadi, Aug 17, 2006
  5. John Horner

    Dave Guest

    Well there are two GM brands in the top ten! Not all your brands can be
    top/volume sellers.
    Dave, Aug 17, 2006
  6. John Horner

    grappletech Guest

    Yeah, it's like splitting the votes. If you were to add up the percentages
    from all of the GM divisions -- Chevy, Pontiac, Cadillac, Buick, GMC, Saab,
    etc, then they will rank as good as Toyota or Honda.
    grappletech, Aug 17, 2006
  7. John Horner

    Jack G Guest

    But would you not then have to combine Toyota and Lexus - Honda and Acura -
    Nisan and Infinity ?

    Jack G, Aug 17, 2006
  8. John Horner

    Jack G Guest

    No problem guessing you are 73 and well into senility.

    Jack G, Aug 17, 2006
  9. John Horner

    John Horner Guest

    Not really. Chevy got 8.2%. GMC got 2.6%. Buick, Pontiac, Saturn and
    Saab all clearly had lower numbers still. Let's be generous and guess
    that BPSS got 5% between themselves. 8.2 + 2.6 + 5 = 15.8%. Toyota is
    at 23.4. Toyota is so far ahead of the pack that there is no way GM
    comes even close even if GM's BPSS brands pulled in 10% share (HAH!).

    Also you would have to add Toyota + Lexus to be fair. Honda was at
    12.4% without Acura. Maybe GM in total bested Honda + Acura, but if so
    it wasn't by much. As far as product and sales effort efficiency Honda
    has GM beaten by a wide margin in California. Honda has relatively few
    models and they are all strong sellers. GM has strong selling trucks
    and a passel of also-ran cars, minivans and crossovers.

    If California is an indicator of things to come nationally then GM, Ford
    and Chrysler remain in deep trouble.

    John Horner, Aug 17, 2006
  10. John Horner

    John Horner Guest

    Some things are noticed but not commented on.

    John Horner, Aug 17, 2006
  11. John Horner

    sndive Guest

    It proves that there are still farmers in this fertile land and they
    need trucks.
    Exactly! Nicole Kidman and your frigid grandmother are basically the
    The only difference is in style (or lack of such) and the cost of
    maintenance, etc. Not sure how enjoyable ride they are though.
    Maybe ask your granddad?
    sndive, Aug 17, 2006
  12. John Horner

    John Horner Guest

    The buyers of trucks who have such a need shrunk to about 50% of the
    truck market during the course of the truck boom. Now the truck market
    is rapidly shrinking back to those who have a real need for them. Said
    farmers are going to have their pick of nice used trucks which never saw
    much work beyond commuting to the office.

    John Horner, Aug 17, 2006
  13. John Horner

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Looks like they are right on the mark when they call California the land of
    fruits and nuts ;)

    Mike Hunter, Aug 17, 2006
  14. John Horner

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Acording to the orgiantl poster the figures represented were for car sales,
    not total vehicle sales. Around half of the vehicles sold in the US are
    light trucks. GM, Ford and Chrysler sell far more light trucks than any

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Aug 17, 2006
  15. Does GMC sell a lot of cars, Mike? Obviously, the figures are for
    combined vehicle sales.
    Gordon McGrew, Aug 17, 2006
  16. John Horner

    Jeff Guest


    Because they like different cars than you, they are nuts? Are people who use
    Macs nuts, because you use Outlook Express and Windows.?

    Jeff, Aug 18, 2006
  17. John Horner

    John Horner Guest

    Not true at all. This was for total retail light vehicle sales. I am
    the original poster.
    John Horner, Aug 18, 2006
  18. John Horner

    David R Guest

    Ever heard of 'the suitcase test'?

    If you had a suitcase with $20,000, what would you go buy? Well, not a ford
    by any means. A toyota? Better build quality, Japanese reliability....same
    with Honda vehicles. BMW's are over-priced, as are Mercs. Honda or Toyota
    are best for the simple sensible man with not much cash to spare in the long
    David R, Aug 19, 2006
  19. John Horner

    Mike Hunter Guest

    That may be your opinion but one can drive home a new nicely equipped V8
    Crown Vic, or a Grand Marquis, for 20K or less. You will spend a lot more
    than 20K to drive home a smaller, similarly equipped V6. Accord or Camry and
    the CV and GM are better all around vehicles. ;)

    mike hunt

    Mike Hunter, Aug 19, 2006
  20. John Horner

    Bob Palmer Guest

    Ford Crown Victoria 2007 Base Price: $25,310-$28,305.
    Mercury Marquis 2007 Base Price: $25,580-$30,235.

    Yeah, that's $20,000 or less.

    Why do you write here? Why do you embarrass yourself?

    It's right up there with "I did not have sex with that woman" or "I promise
    no new taxes."
    Bob Palmer, Aug 20, 2006
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