Revitalized Malibu Takes on Accord and Camry

Discussion in 'Accord' started by johngdole, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. johngdole

    Canuck57 Guest

    No, he values economic freedom more than a shinny new car, wise man

    Who suffers more when laid off? The person who has their house and car paid
    for with cash on the self, or the over drawn idiot with a mortgage on the
    car, home and credit card bouncing?

    It even makes for a great family life. Seriously. I have been married for
    19 years, and never once argued about the number one cause of divorce,
    money. Makes one truly rich.... a great home life and we have everything we

    So when I go to work, I see people sweat out getting paid, I spend my
    energies being better. My economic freedoms allow me the choices... as I am
    not a slave to debt. Boss knows it too, I always get better raises and
    nicer projects as he knows I am there for the challenges and fun.

    Go ahead, be a debt slave, someone has to support the bankers new suit.
    Canuck57, Apr 20, 2009
  2. johngdole

    Canuck57 Guest

    Sharx35, be easy on him. Far too many like him have never been tought
    otherwise. They know not economic freedom as they were just a few points
    less on self dicipline and IQ, they pay an awful price. Plus, they make
    banking cheap for us, as banks could not buy coffee for what I pay them.
    They pay ME. They should teach personal economics in high school. Rig it
    to real life, banks and governments always win unless you get smart about

    But I started in debt with zero, just managed it and not it managing me.
    Got it paid off, new car or $10,000 off the mortgage goes a long way to
    achiving the financial liberty we enjoy.

    I tried retirement at 51 for 3 months, it sucked, I was bored. Decided to
    go back to work, new job has low hours, lots of time off. Just wish we
    could do the 4 day work week every week.... maybe my next job. But taking
    every Friday off in the summer. I made sure of that before I started. And
    maybe do Costa Rica in December.
    Canuck57, Apr 20, 2009
  3. johngdole

    Canuck57 Guest

    17 year old inexpensive car. Think of the money he saved!!!
    Canuck57, Apr 20, 2009
  4. johngdole

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Many here value economic freedom and live their lives to provide that. He
    has thrown that out as a red herring in attempt to distract from the
    original conversation.
    Seriously - I have been married for over 27 years, successfully raised 4
    kids, enjoy life, live in a mortgage free home of our chosing, and continue
    to contribute to the society I live in. What does any of that have to do
    with driving a 17 year old car?
    Why do people like you make statements like this? You know absolutely
    nothing about 80 Knight's life - whether he is enslaved to a mountain of
    debt, whether he inherited $10M from a rich uncle, or whether he is modestly
    secure for the rest of his life. He has indicated nothing to suggest either
    of those, yet you comment "Go ahead, be a debt slave, someone has to support
    the bankers new suit.". That is the very same red herring type of comment
    made by the OP, and all that type of comment serves to do is indicate you
    are at a loss to deal with the conversation/point at hand.

    You and I don't agree on every aspect of the whole GM conversation that has
    taken place over the past several weeks, and we don't disagree on every
    aspect. I've thought that some of your ideas were over the top - perhaps
    thrown out there to simple raise a little hell, but I've also found some of
    your thoughts to represent an effort at genuine dialog and debate. This
    kind of statement does not serve the latter well.
    Mike Marlow, Apr 20, 2009
  5. johngdole

    SMS Guest

    A 15 year old Toyota or Honda is just getting broken in. Most price
    comparisons of Toyotas and Hondas versus Fords and Chevys leave out one
    key factor in the equation, and that's that you'll need two of the Fords
    or Chevys to last as long as one of the Toyotas or Hondas.
    SMS, Apr 20, 2009
  6. johngdole

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Really bad bait. That bait has long passed its expiration date. Not to
    mention that it's been used so many times, all the game fish are wise to it.
    Mike Marlow, Apr 20, 2009
  7. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    Peace be with you!
    Sharx35, Apr 20, 2009
  8. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    Red Herring def. When used by an asshole, it means that the OP has scored a
    debating point.
    Sharx35, Apr 20, 2009
  9. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    Have a better day!
    Sharx35, Apr 20, 2009
  10. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    GM should have been fed to the sharks.
    Sharx35, Apr 20, 2009
  11. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    Well, I am not fully retired. I work like a dog during tax season as an
    income tax consultant. It's a bit slacker for the other 10 months. Well, a
    LOT slacker.
    Sharx35, Apr 20, 2009
  12. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    Have a great day!
    Sharx35, Apr 20, 2009

  13. Ahhhh, I see you reveal yourself for what you are... Uneducated,
    intolerant and just a general doofus!


    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 21, 2009

  14. Well, we're talkin' 25 to 26 years of age here. And, the great thing is
    that they are "old school," I.E., no computer, no "check engine" light
    and even lack a PCV valve. Just right for an old fart like me to
    maintain and repair which really doesn't happen very often.

    Sometimes the latest and greatest ain't really so...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 21, 2009
  15. johngdole

    SMS Guest

    Still lots of late 1980's to early 1990's Accords and Camrys on the
    road, still fetching 2-4K on the used market. You have to chuckle when
    you see the ads from Ford and GM trying to compare initial purchase
    prices of new vehicles, i.e. the Malibu, since they are forced to leave
    longevity out of the equation. It's not just having to purchase 2x the
    number of vehicles for the same time period, it's the resale value if
    you do choose to sell after only 8-10 years.
    SMS, Apr 21, 2009

  16. You're onto something here.

    I often have people refer to my old, (1955 & 1956), Studebakers as
    "Classics" which is just not so.

    In fact, the Classic era covers the period from about 1927 to about 1948
    and only unique cars (styling and engineering) are considered "full
    classics." This is high brow shit and when I bought a 1931 Studebaker
    President Q4 coupe about ten years ago I started to practice holdin' up
    my end pinkies when sippin' high tea.

    There's nuthin' like invoking the term "full classic" to start all kinds
    of flame wars. Some folks just like denying the truth even though is
    has snob appeal.

    Needless to say, I never got around to restoring the car and sold it
    about three years ago. Now, I'm content with playin' around with the two
    "modern" Studebakers and a small flock of Gen II Honda Civics...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 21, 2009

  17. Fear not as by doing so, you have defeated the thinking of them thar'
    PHd economists who calculate how often fools trade in their current ride
    only to become a slave to the finance company.

    Not many people have their priorities straight these days...

    Grumpy AuContraire, Apr 21, 2009
  18. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    Suck dick, cumwad. I don't go to a Toyota newsgroup to read about ricer junk
    aka Honda products.
    Sharx35, Apr 21, 2009
  19. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    You ARE an old fart?? Could a fooled me. Figured as much because of your
    grumpiness!! ROFL.
    Sharx35, Apr 21, 2009
  20. johngdole

    Sharx35 Guest

    What you say makes sense--too made some are too dense to understand your
    Sharx35, Apr 21, 2009
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