RIP, original alternator

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mark G., Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Mark G.

    Mark G. Guest

    I thought it would be nice to post a tribute to my original alternator.
    It gave 177,110 miles of faithful service in my 1991 Accord.
    Hopefully its spirit will be reincarnated at the rebuild shop and it
    can resume its service in a new home.
    Mark G., Sep 11, 2007
  2. Mark G.

    Matthew Guest

    Very impressive. I "only" got 120K out of mine......
    Matthew, Sep 17, 2007
  3. Mark G.

    Mark G. Guest

    My alternator was also thoughtful enough to signal its imminent demise when
    I started my car at home one Friday morning.

    Every American car I have ever owned would have waited another two days, and
    died on Sunday morning when I was camping twenty miles up a remote Forest
    Service road.
    Mark G., Sep 18, 2007
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