Rolling noise in CRV - normal?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Jim, Jan 28, 2006.

  1. Jim

    Jim Guest

    Earlier this evening I test drove two brand new CRV's - a two wheel
    drive LX and a 4WD EX. Both were very quiet except for a low pitched
    rolling sound coming from the rear compartment. Sounded like wheel
    bearings, or maybe the emergency brake shoes rubbing (assuming the CRV
    has them). It wasn't the rear brake pads as the sound continued even
    when I stepped on the brake. Probably not the tires as the two vehicles
    had different ones - Dunlops on the LX and Bridgestones on the EX. The
    sound is not very loud, but the interior would be quieter without it.
    Anyone know if this goes away with time, or is normal and persists? If
    it persists, is there a way to muffle it ( I can get sound deadening
    matt, etc.)?


    Jim, Jan 28, 2006
  2. Jim

    twfsa Guest

    You get use to it.

    twfsa, Jan 28, 2006
  3. Jim

    sonicass Guest

    no good ,dont buy it
    sonicass, Jan 28, 2006
  4. Jim

    Stanjo Guest

    Any dealer should be able to get you the code. I had a battery run down and
    the radio needed to be reset. It was time for an oil change, so I went to
    the dealer - he looked up the radio code too. Not the same dealer I bought
    You may need to show a prove of ownership.

    Stanjo, Jan 30, 2006
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