
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by whitespc1, Apr 29, 2004.

  1. whitespc1

    whitespc1 Guest

    I have a 99 Accord EX V6 with 80000 miles. I had to replace the rotors at
    about 40K and 65,000 miles. I just brought it in for a transmission fluid
    change and general look. They have told me that I have rust on the outside
    edge of the rotors again and that they will have to be replaced shortly.
    This is a very reputable dealer so I know it is not them and that this is a
    problem. I told them that this would be the 3rd set of rotors and that I do
    not expect I should have to replace them once again. They said they see a
    lot of this.

    Anyone else have this problem?
    Also, a Honda dealer did the work so should their be some type of guarantee
    on the parts (OEM)?

    whitespc1, Apr 29, 2004
  2. whitespc1

    tflfb Guest

    I'de go to a brake shop for a free inspection, and have the rotors measured,
    as alot of rotors have rust on the edges where the pads don't make contact,
    on the rotor.

    I would expect that the rotors should last at lease 80 K. At 50K my brake
    pads were still in good shape.

    tflfb, Apr 29, 2004
  3. whitespc1

    Fred Guest

    Yes, they see a lot of this becase ALL ARE LIKE THAT if you are talking
    about the circunference of the rotor. As long as the rust is not "eating"
    chuncks of your rotors, they are ok. Just think about it, it's bare metal,
    gets exposed to the weather.
    Fred, Apr 29, 2004
  4. whitespc1

    pankoski Guest

    Yes, they see alot of this - referring to people who are separated from
    their money very easily. I drive hard and fast, 3 Honda Del Sols. All of
    them are over 100K and there is no hint of the requiring new rotors. They
    got new brake pads of course in due course, but not rotors. Of course they
    look rusty, they are carbon steel that has been exposed to the weather -
    duh. Apply the brakes a couple of times and voila, shiny again.
    pankoski, Apr 30, 2004
  5. whitespc1

    Peter H Guest

    It's a scam.

    Peter H
    Peter H, Apr 30, 2004
  6. whitespc1

    Fish Guest

    Sorry to hear that you got taken advantage of.
    Fish, Apr 30, 2004
  7. whitespc1

    whitespc1 Guest

    Has anyone had rotor problems with a 99 Honda Accord?
    whitespc1, Apr 30, 2004
  8. whitespc1

    G-Man Guest

    Holy cow are you getting screwed! Rust? Jesus, they all rust on the outer
    edges. Unless your brakes are pulsing when you try to stop, they are
    probably good. I just changed them on a 92 with 165,000 on them!

    The new ones had rust in a week.

    Holy crap this pisses me off when I hear this.

    G-Man, Apr 30, 2004
  9. Just goes to show that you have blind faith in a "reputable dealer". that's
    like santa claus, they don't bloody well exist... a scam is a scam is a
    scam... shoot the wanking dealers and go to an independent auto garage.
    Andy M --Tampa Bay--, Apr 30, 2004
  10. whitespc1

    jim Guest

    go to a shop that specializes in brake repair..... i have rust on the
    outside lip of my 93 taurus for the past 10 yrs... its normal... raw
    metal(steel) will always rust... the part that the pad goes onto and the
    rotor spins will not have rust as the pad has been rubbing it off the
    past X miles you been driving it.... it is not a problem with rust on
    the unused portion of the rotor, just like the underside of cars with
    rear ends being rust on the outside of its case... even new cars on the
    dealership lot will have rust on then like on the rear ends, the brake
    calipers(part not used)......
    jim, Apr 30, 2004
  11. whitespc1

    z Guest

    Are you sure that's what they said? Rotors are cast iron for wear
    purposes, and rust like crazy. If you can see the rotors through the
    wheels, often on a wet morning you will see a light coat of rust where
    the rotor should be shiny, where the pads fit, and you can often feel
    the pads polish that off when you start moving. So the edges of the
    rotor where the pads don't go get really pretty cruddy.
    On the other hand, you might go through a set of pads, at least on one
    axle, in 40K or maybe even 25K especially if the caliper is sticking,
    as they usually do; and nowadays rotors are so thin that very often
    they need to be replaced when the pads are replaced. In order to see
    how worn the pads are, you have to look edgewise to the rotors, but
    sort of look down to where the pads meet the rotors and see if the
    metal backing is starting to get close. Maybe that's what they were
    pointing to?
    z, Apr 30, 2004
  12. whitespc1

    Elbert Guest

    rust on the outer edge of the rotor is a normal conditon.
    are the rotors warped or have they been trurned.... if not then
    I would not reaplce them.
    Elbert, Apr 30, 2004
  13. whitespc1

    Elbert Guest

    yes...i have a 99 accord too and I've turned the rotors once on the
    front and then replaced them with new ones... my car has abour
    104,000. This a fairly common problem with the rotors warping fairly

    Brake shops don't know anymore about brakes than the guys in teh
    dealership...... Don't know if you are getting an honest call on
    this repair.... kind of one oft those things you would need to see the
    rotor first hand to make a call.
    Elbert, Apr 30, 2004
  14. Did they ever suggest resurfacing the rotors? The rusty outer edge you
    describe is normal. Even if there was a problem with the rotors they can be
    resurfaced before they are repalced those rotors are 22mm thick and can be
    turned down to 19mm(doesn't sound like much but it might as well be a mile.)
    my recommendation is take your car to another honda dealer and tell them
    what you were told. They will most likely shake thier heads in disbelief.
    George Pennington, May 5, 2004
  15. whitespc1

    Eric Guest

    Better yet, the original poster should make an official complaint to Honda
    Motor Company Customer Service...

    American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
    Honda Automobile Customer Service
    1919 Torrance Boulevard
    Mail Stop: 500 - 2N - 7D
    Torrance, CA 90501-2746
    Eric, May 6, 2004
  16. whitespc1

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    I just take the wheel off, and use a hammer to knock the corrosion off
    the outer edge. Rotors are still the original ones on my Accord (92)
    with 215,000 miles on it. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, May 7, 2004

  17. Beauty idea. in case youd rather call thier phone is:
    1-800-999-1009 8am-5pm PST
    George Pennington, May 7, 2004
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