Route 23 Honda - NJ - Where is the SERVICE???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Renehasp, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. Renehasp

    Renehasp Guest

    My tape player broke on my 2005 Pilot. I have been at Rt23 almost every
    other day for the past week. They keep saying it is fixed and I keep
    having to proove it has not. I had to take time off from work to come
    in and show them that the problem is still there.

    The courtesy car was given to me with no gas I filled the tank cause it
    was going to take them a week to fix my Pilot. When I asked to be
    reinburst Camarad told me to go syphon out the gas because Honda will
    not give me any money for that.

    Tony the sales manager tried to throw a free oil change at my
    frustration and ended up frustrating me even more when after my Pilot
    was still not fixed he wouldnt give me the courtesy car back!As a
    result my car is still not fixed. Ive wasted 2 weeks of my life doing
    their job. And no one at Service has any customer skills. I wrote a
    letter to the General Manager and I am going to let everyone be aware
    of whats going on at Route 23 Honda.

    Service used to be great and now it is a joke. What happened???

    Rene Hasprunar
    144-R7 Diamond Bridge Rd
    Hawthrone, NJ 07506
    Renehasp, Sep 19, 2005
  2. Renehasp

    Abeness Guest

    Never a good idea to put your address in a public forum, Rene--just
    another tidbit for the identity theft crooks. Sorry you're getting
    crappy service--enough to piss anyone off. Good luck.
    Abeness, Sep 19, 2005
  3. Why do you keep returning to that dealer?
    Sparky Spartacus, Sep 20, 2005
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