RPMs fluctuating at startup???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by User38221, Oct 21, 2004.

  1. User38221

    User38221 Guest

    Sometimes when i startup my 1994 Civic EX (vtec) the engine revs back and forth
    between 1500 and 2000 rpm a few times before finally settling down at 1500
    (then dropping lower as the engine warms up).

    anyone know what might be causing this?
    User38221, Oct 21, 2004
  2. User38221

    Caroline Guest

    Electronic air control valve (EACV) (idle air control valve IACV on 92-95
    Civics) passages may be clogged or have insufficient cooling. Remove, inspect,
    re-install. Then thoroughly purge cooling system, letting the radiator fan come
    on two times (may take 35 minutes or more for the fan to come on). Insufficient
    purging led to my EACV on my 91 Civic having probably no flow through it this
    past summer and having irregular idling. I took the EACV off, saw its empty
    cooling line, and purged the cooling system thoroughly. Great improvement

    See www.autozone.com 's free repair guides for specific info about the IACV on
    your 1994 Civic VTEC. Go to emission controls, diagnostic charts, then Idle
    Control System, 1992-1995. Note that the second symptom listed is "When cold
    fast idle out of spec (1000 to 2000 RPM)." It lists possible causes to be
    1. Fast Idle Thermo Valve
    2. IACV
    3. Idle adjusting screw

    Or the oxygen sensor could be going bad, but the oxygen sensor isn't supposed to
    have much input until the car is warmed up, so I'd check the IACV first.

    Or other, but the IACV does come up here from time to time as a minor problem.
    Caroline, Oct 21, 2004
  3. User38221

    motsco_ _ Guest


    How full is the rad, and how full is the reservoir? Ever bled the air
    out of the cooling system at the nipple? It may even be described in
    your owner's Manual.

    motsco_ _, Oct 22, 2004
  4. User38221

    RCM Guest

    One of the sensors going bad.. forget which O2 ?. '92 and 98 Accords did it after
    sitting unused for a month. About a 2000rpm swing even after warmup.
    RCM, Oct 23, 2004
  5. The O2 is ignored by the computer right after startup.
    burt squareman, Oct 24, 2004
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