Rubber room research

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mad as a Box of Frogs, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. I live in Canada, arguably the best country in the world to conduct
    this sort of research. In addition to any number of 24-hour drug
    stores the size of university gymnasiums, Canada. has specialty shops
    catering to every conceivable sexual predilection. However, I limited
    the test sample to condoms that are 1) readily available at Drug
    stores or bathroom walls etc.; or, 2) available on any number of
    Internet retail sites.

    I tested condoms that seemed to be the most advanced and innovative.
    For instance, I tried the Trojan Warm Sensations condom, but I did not
    try Twisted Pleasure, a variation on the more common ribbed condom.
    With one exception, I chose condoms without the spermicide
    Nonoxynol-9, which recent studies have suggested may increase the risk
    of HIV and other STDs.

    My boyfriend and I graded in four categories.

    1) Feeling, by which I mean proximity to the real thing. How much did
    it feel like there was no condom at all?

    2) Lubrication and ease of application. How well-lubricated was the
    condom? Did it stay lubricated? (To keep the playing field level, we
    used no outside lubricants.) Did it go on easily? Was it ill-fitting?
    For the most part, we stuck with normal-sized condoms. (Among the crop
    of larger-sized models, the standout is the Trojan Magnum. And for
    those men really eager to impress there is the Trojan Magnum XL, the
    Hummer of condoms.)

    3) Aesthetics. Some condoms have only a slight latex scent, others
    smell as though you're making out in a tire factory. And while most
    condoms look alike, a few unfortunate specimens made us wonder whether
    their designers had some kind of plumbing work in mind.

    4} Protecting the payload. We need a condom that fully protects the
    wadd of ejaculate so
    it can be consumed at a later time.

    Price was not a major consideration, since none of the condoms we
    tested were exceedingly expensive—they all averaged about $12 for a
    pack of 12. (Lambskin condoms cost considerably more, but we did not
    test them, as they're porous and don't necessarily prevent disease
    transmission.) We graded on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the best. Here
    are the candidates from worst to best.


    Trojan Shared Pleasure Warm Sensations
    Price: 12-pack $7 to $12 (Prices vary widely, depending on the
    pharmacy, supermarket, or Internet site where you buy them.)
    "Pleasure" is Trojan's marketing buzzword. The Warm Sensations condom
    is coated with a special gel that is supposed to heat up with
    intercourse. There are any number of drawbacks to protected sex, but
    I've never found low temperature to be one of them. We couldn't fathom
    the point of this condom, and, indeed, the special heating gel did not
    add to the experience. As for lubrication, the moistening agent on
    this Trojan (as with many other Trojans) took on a dry, powdery feel.
    And the rubbery smell that seems to grow more distinct with use
    doesn't exactly keep you in the mood.
    The wadd was neatly kept in the tip and was readily available for my
    boyfriend to taste together.

    Feeling: 3
    Lubrication/ease of application: 2
    Aesthetics: 3
    Protecting the payload: 4
    Total: 12

    Trojan Her Pleasure
    Price: 12-pack $8 to $13
    Her Pleasure offers a "unique texturing designed to help provide extra
    sensation for a woman's most sensitive area." Translation: This condom
    has weird cross-hatchings at its base. Her Pleasure provided none of
    the fun that Pleasure Mesh did. My partner, meanwhile, said it was
    probably best "for awkward angles." (I did not pursue the point.) In
    addition to the pungent rubber smell and too-tight fit, the
    lubrication was insufficient.

    Feeling: 3
    Lubrication: 2
    Aesthetics: 3
    Total: 8

    Sagami Type E
    Price: 12-pack $7 to $15
    For some reason, the people at Sagami Rubber Industries in Tokyo made
    the Type E an eerie shade of green. Unless you're into weird Asian
    porn, or like to pretend a lizard lives in your shorts, you may find
    the look of this condom disconcerting. The Sagami Type E offers
    several layers of stimulation—an inch of small nobs, then an inch of
    mesh, then several more inches of nobs. In practice, the Sagami was
    fine, and the bells and whistles added to our experience, but we
    couldn't get over the ridiculous appearance.

    Feeling: 2 to 5 (5 if you like the kinky stuff, 2 if you don't)
    Lubrication: 3
    Aesthetics: 1
    Total: 6 to 9

    Trojan Pleasure Mesh
    Price: 12-pack $8 to $13
    This condom is a streamlined improvement on the standard ribbed
    condom. Ribs, which are made by stretching and folding the latex of
    the condom, tend to flatten out after a few minutes. They have always
    been more about novelty than function. But the latex of the Pleasure
    Mesh is striated, like a storm-fence laid over a flat wall. My
    partner's reaction, if not as enthusiastic as my own, was favorable.
    She reported increased stimulation, but added that "without good
    technique, [the mesh] won't make much difference." Lubrication was

    Feeling: 3
    Lubrication: 4
    Aesthetics: 3 (Just don't stare at it.)
    Total: 10

    Price: 12-pack $10 to $16
    The Kimono had a creamy, even luxurious, feel. ("Velvety," was my
    partner's word.) Presentation matters, of course, and we liked the
    well-packaged Kimono immediately. The box, matte-finished cherry red
    and adorned with lotus leaves, looks Zenlike and lovely on the bedside
    table. The individual foil packages inside come in easy-to-tear pairs
    (in contrast to Trojan's annoying, waxy, sausage-string approach). The
    Kimono went on easily with virtually no latex scent. Alas, nothing's
    perfect—the lubrication did wear off slightly.

    Feeling: 5
    Lubrication: 3
    Aesthetics: 5
    Total: 13

    Trojan Extended Pleasure
    Price: 12-pack $12.99
    According to the box, Trojan's new Extended Pleasure contains "a
    special lubricant that helps control climax and prolong sexual
    excitement for longer lasting lovemaking." (This "special lubricant"
    is benzocaine, a common anesthetic.) A little glob of gel sits, rather
    conspicuously, at the tip of the condom. While a little scary-looking,
    this numbing agent is a good idea. Short of getting a pre-coitus shot
    from your dentist, Extended Pleasure probably offers the most
    effective short-term solution for early ejaculation, a common problem.
    The sex does indeed last longer. But I advise washing your hands after
    application, though, as the desensitizing lubricant spreads. (Two
    words: numb lips.) The extra lubricant also helped with Trojan's
    dryness problem.

    Feeling: 4
    Lubrication: 4
    Aesthetics: 3
    Total: 11

    Pleasure Plus
    Price: 12-pack $12 to $18
    The Pleasure Plus condom is not related to Trojan's Pleasure line. Its
    maker is the Global Protection Corporation of Boston (no connection to
    the Pentagon or Rand, as far as we could find). The company has
    managed to get gushing advertorials placed in magazines like Glamour,
    Cosmopolitan, and GQ. At the Hustler Store on the Sunset Strip here in
    Los Angeles the salespeople are agog over Pleasure Plus. The buzz, it
    must be said, seems justified, at least where the woman is concerned.
    I thought it was just slightly above average, but my partner insisted
    the Pleasure Plus was the best condom she'd ever used. To the touch,
    it felt to be only barely lubricated, she pointed out, but the
    moisture was more than adequate and long-lasting. It was also
    odorless. My partner was so enthusiastic about it that at a certain
    point I became jealous of the condom. Her final assessment: "It
    doesn't feel like there's anything on." (And she wasn't being paid by
    Global Protection.)

    Feeling: 5
    Lubrication: 5
    Aesthetics: 5
    Total: 15

    Trojan Supra
    12 pack $9 to $12
    The Trojan Supra is billed as "ultra-thin" ("ultra" being Trojan's
    second favorite word, after "pleasure") and for once the superlative
    is apt. This condom, made not of latex but of microsheer polyurethane,
    was my favorite. Its airy feel—like a diaphanous tunic—transported me
    to an earlier, unjaded time, when sex was new and condoms were fun.
    What's more, it had an almost sweet odor to it. My partner said it was
    agreeable enough (she was still dreaming about the Pleasure Plus, I
    think). One major drawback: The Supra is only made with Nonoxynol-9.
    Mad as a Box of Frogs, Sep 14, 2009
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