rubbing sound in brakes

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Prime Time, Oct 10, 2003.

  1. Prime Time

    Prime Time Guest

    I've a 96 Del Sol which has a grinding noise ;whenever you apply the
    brakes a small amount. They're fine when pressing hard.
    I've had it in for service, brake pads replaced. rotors turned.
    Then only thing I haven't had checked were the CV joints.
    Could this be the cause? Car has 85K miles.
    been driven mostly in NC. Not much road salt or mud.
    Prime Time, Oct 10, 2003
  2. Is it the front or rear brakes making the noise?
    Peter Doherty, Oct 10, 2003
  3. Noises are always difficult but...

    Once upon a time I had a '86 Accord that I took to a non-Honda shop for
    brake service. The brake pads were replaced and rotors turned. Afterwards
    I had a noise that, based upon your description, was similar to yours.
    After some research, I purchased brake pads from Honda and had the shop swap
    out their installed pads for the Honda pads. The noise stopped.

    Best regards,

    Scott Bosecker
    Scott E. Bosecker, Dec 13, 2003
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