Rumbling Feeling from Rear after Brak Job

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Billy, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. Billy

    Billy Guest

    I have a 98' Accord EX w/ 115k miles that now has a pressure/rumbling feel
    and the steer wheel jitters when applying the brakes at higher speeds (ie:
    highways). The issue started happening after the rear brakes were repaired.
    The feeling definitely appears to be coming from the rear. Any ideas?
    Billy, Dec 28, 2004
  2. Billy

    Steve Guest

    Who did the work? If not you then take it back
    Now go for a quick drive. While driving, carefully apply the brakes. If the
    wheel trembles, I'm thinking front brake rotor are out of round. A way to
    verify this is to slowly and carefully apply the parking brakes while
    driving (not enough to skid or stop the car) If when doing this there is no
    vibration, then it is the front brakes. rear brakes generally don't make the
    wheel move.
    Steve, Dec 28, 2004
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