rumbling noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by EP, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. EP

    EP Guest

    When moving at low speeds, turning and slowing to stop, I hear a rumbling
    bumping noise.
    I thought it could be joints in the front wheels. I put it on a hoist but
    didn't notice any play or unlikely vibration.
    Any ideas?

    2000 Civic sedan
    EP, Jul 22, 2004
  2. EP

    motsco_ _ Guest


    'Rumbling' is one of the most frequent descriptions of the sound a wheel
    bearing makes. They're a bit hard to diagnose, except that if you veer
    slightly to the right, the left side will rumble louder, and vice-versa,
    because the car's load shifts. Apparently the modern sealed ones can be
    noisy for YEARS too, and not change much. I'm no expert.

    Maybe you should do a group or Google search for 'wheel bearing noise'
    and see what you find?

    motsco_ _, Jul 22, 2004
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