S.U.V's found abandon

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by I AM, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. I AM

    I AM Guest

    I really feel sorry for the miss lead, that bought those big gas
    guzzlers and S.U.V.'s like the hummer,Tahoe,Escalade, Dodge Ram's,
    F-150..etc and now are unable to save for their retirements and
    childens educations because the families income is being burned in the
    gas tank. Wait, it won't be long and you will finds these vehicles
    abandon on the side of the freeway!!!!!!! Sales are beginning to
    slide. I have a honda CR-V and the prices at the tank are killing me.
    I AM, Aug 17, 2005
  2. I AM

    mopa Guest

    Oh yeah, I cannot imagine how people can afford to spend say 70 dollars
    a week to fill up their big Chevy Truck. At my last job our chevy 2500
    pickup took 25 gallons to fill up.

    My Civic normally costed me 15 to fill up, now its 25. Damn are
    government is screwing us over on gas prices, and these high 75 cent a
    gallon taxes. (im sure they are really more than that)
    mopa, Aug 18, 2005
  3. I AM

    flobert Guest

    Americans have a much greater level of disposable income than almost
    any other western country. At the uk prices of 2 years ago, it would
    ahve cost you about $55US to fill up your civic. Right now europes
    over $6 for a US gallon.

    Americans just need to get their heads out of their collective arses,
    stop whining, and live with it. I mean, when you elect an oil
    president, of course oil prices will rise. Duh. its an utter no
    brainer. Grow up, get over it, welcome to the real world.
    flobert, Aug 18, 2005
  4. I AM

    Brad Taylor Guest

    Of course you beleive all the liberal press krap. You sound like a no
    brainer yourself.
    Brad Taylor, Aug 19, 2005
  5. Exactly what would a non oil president have done differently that would have
    kept prices lower?

    Leonard Caillouet, Aug 19, 2005
  6. I AM

    jim beam Guest

    1. stop diverting 4% of imports to the "strategic" oil reserve. at $67
    per barrel, do tax payers really /need/ to be filling the reserve right

    2. investigate these mysterious refinery "outages" that smack of enron
    electricity market manipulation.

    3. investigate the mysterious rise in the refinery "crack split", the
    price difference between crude & refined product. traditionally, that's
    5%. recently, it's risen to 20%.

    3. stop monkeying with/subsidizing ethanol additives. ethanol is the
    triple whammy - we pay a tax subsidy for production, we pay more at the
    pump, /AND/ we get crappy gas mileage so we get to buy more of it!!! on
    top of all that, it's not even necessary to achieve the so-called
    emissions targets that smoke-screen as justification!!! ethanol is a
    complete scam.
    jim beam, Aug 19, 2005
  7. I AM

    onerpm Guest

    I think most of those who can afford $35k or more for a monster suv
    aren't going to care about an extra grand or two a year for gas. If a
    grand meant that much to them, they would've purchased a 30 mpg vehicle
    to begin with .
    onerpm, Aug 19, 2005
  8. I AM

    jcd1234 Guest

    Those people cannot afford SUVs to begin with. Most of them take out
    60 month, 72 month, or even 96 month loans to pay for them. Rising gas
    prices will stretch many to the limit (not that they're not already
    there anyway), and they will default on their car loans. You
    overestimate the intelligence of the average consumer.
    jcd1234, Aug 19, 2005
  9. I AM

    Ron M. Guest

    In the majority of cases, this is indeed true. One of my co-workers has a
    workout partner at his gym who's a sales manager at a GMC/Pontiac/Buick
    dealership. He said that roughly 95% of the people that purchase SUVs at
    that dealership finance anywhere from 95% of the sale price to 120% when
    they're "upside down" with their trade-ins. The guy said that it just amazes
    him on a daily basis "how financially f'ed up these people are--yet they're
    wanting to buy a ~$38,000.00 SUV that gets HORRIBLE gas mileage." He said
    that there were "a few exceptions where someone will plop down cash for one
    of these beasts".

    Ron M.
    Ron M., Aug 20, 2005
  10. I AM

    flobert Guest

    1) top posting is a no-no.

    2) very little press in the Us is liberal. It is aminly controlled by
    a few conglomerates, with heavy political allegences to one or the
    other of the main parties - this is something clearly evident back in

    3) am i a liberal? well, if you mean am i a free-thinking person who
    doesn't let the preconceptions of others contrain me into a narrow
    thought pattern, then yes, i am. (that IS what liberal means, you
    know. How the hell americans have come to be convinced, as you
    obviously are, that free and independant thought is a bad thing, i'll
    never know.
    flobert, Aug 20, 2005
  11. I AM

    Dana Guest

    T.E.R.M.S............That's the magic word for people with no money in the
    bank . My dad always told me buy it if you got the money , if you don't have
    the money don't buy it . Pretty simple actually .
    Dana, Aug 21, 2005
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