Safety First? True Once, but U. S. Now Lags in Road Deaths

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tony Harding, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. Tony Harding

    Tony Harding Guest

    The New York Times
    July 22, 2007
    Safety First? True Once, but U. S. Now Lags in Road Deaths

    DRIVING has never been safer. Cars, which once had just one air bag, can
    now have six or more, and there are crumple zones to protect occupants
    in a crash and electronic stability control to avoid crashes in the
    first place. There are run-flat tires and antilock brakes. The rate of
    highway fatalities has plummeted since 1970, when the United States led
    the world in road safety.

    Still, despite its head start and that cocoon of technology, the nation
    has steadily slipped behind other countries, becoming comparatively one
    of the most dangerous places to drive in the industrialized world.

    The United States ranks 42nd of the 48 countries measured in the number
    of fatalities per capita, according to the Organization for Economic
    Cooperation and Development and the International Transport Forum.
    Australia, Britain, France, Germany and Japan all did significantly better.

    And in what many safety experts consider a more precise measure,
    fatalities per distance driven, the United States was No. 1 in 1970 with
    the lowest death rate among industrialized countries reporting data. It
    now ranks 11th, with some countries reporting rates that are 25 percent

    “Here we are, probably the richest country in the world,” said Barbara
    L. Harsha, executive director of the Governors Highway Safety
    Association, which represents state highway safety offices. “Why are
    other countries doing a better job than we are?”

    Safety experts said the reasons were many. One, they said, was
    inadequate driver training. Some countries require that teenagers have
    100 hours behind the wheel before they receive a license, compared to
    about 6 in the United States.

    But expert after expert said the real problem was one of culture. With
    personal freedom being a cornerstone of the United States, many states
    are loath to pass legislation that curtails them, even when it comes to
    road safety. So while the governments of other countries can easily pass
    laws to make driving safer, like a national ban on hand-held cellphone
    use, those laws here are left up to the states to impose, and that is
    often not so easy.

    New Hampshire, for example, is the only state with no seat belt law for
    adults, and in May its state Senate rejected a bill that would have
    mandated the use of belts.

    “The citizens of New Hampshire don’t like to be told by anyone else what
    to do,” said State Senator Robert E. Clegg Jr.

    Fred Wegman, managing director of the National Institute for Road Safety
    Research in the Netherlands, said attitudes were different in Europe.
    There, he said, safety is not just about the individual, but is the
    responsibility of society as a whole. “European countries fundamentally
    pay more political attention to road safety,” he said.

    Allan F. Williams, a road safety consultant who had been the chief
    scientist at the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, compared the
    United States with Australia. “Here there is not a lot of attention or
    money” paid to road safety, Dr. Williams said. “We don’t see it as a
    national priority.”

    In Australia, “the government is more willing to intervene to protect
    the health and safety of the community,” he said.

    Peter Sweatman, who is Australian and director of the University of
    Michigan Transportation Research Institute, said Australians were
    willing to give up a little freedom in exchange for better safety.

    “There is a willingness to have strong and targeted enforcement,
    therefore a little bit of pain is justified,” he said. “It’s a business
    management approach to saving lives. It’s a relentless focus. I don’t
    see the same kind of commitment here.”

    Bella Dinh-Zarr, the North American director of Make Roads Safe, a
    nonprofit organization based in London, said other countries had
    stricter laws, better enforcement, more accessible public
    transportation, greater awareness, public support and more rigorous
    training and licensing standards.

    “We’re moving in the right direction, but other countries have moved
    even further,” she said.

    Statistics from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
    Development, a research organization financed by industrialized nations
    based in Paris, show that while the United States reduced road deaths
    from 1970 to 2005, the latest year the numbers were available, deaths
    fell even more in Western Europe. Sweden and Britain each reported about
    35 deaths for every billion kilometers driven in 1970, more than the 30
    in the United States. But in 2005 both European countries reported about
    6 deaths for every billion kilometers, compared with 9 in the United States.

    Seat belt laws are one example of the different approaches. About half
    the states do not allow the police to stop drivers solely for not using

    “The U.S. is the only country in the world that has a secondary seat
    belt law,” said Dr. Dinh-Zarr of Make Roads Safe.

    Training and licensing standards overseas also reflect some major

    “The standards of both training and testing are far below acceptable
    levels in this country,” said Eddie Wren, president of Advanced Drivers
    of America, a company based in Williamsville, N.Y.

    “In some states the driver being tested does not even leave the parking
    lot and averages about eight minutes; in Britain the road test is 40 to
    50 minutes, occurs on different types of roads, and has more complex
    tasks,” said Mr. Wren, who was a traffic police officer in England.

    But experts agree that education is not the most effective way to reduce
    traffic injuries among teenagers.

    “There is a gap between what we know and what we do,” said Dr. Williams,
    the safety consultant. “Driver education and training do not work by
    themselves, but have a role when coupled with hands-on, supervised
    driving time and strong graduated driver licensing laws.”

    Almost all state programs could benefit from strengthening their
    requirements, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention, because most driver education programs require only about
    six hours of on-road driving experience.

    “Some other countries require 100 hours of behind-the-wheel experience,”
    said David A. Sleet, associate director for science at the centers’
    Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention. He said that most experts
    agreed that behind-the-wheel training should be a minimum of 30
    hours.But one area where the United States continues to excel is in
    vehicle design.

    David Ward, director general of the FIA Foundation for the Automobile
    and Society, a nonprofit based in London, said the United States had
    taken the lead in installing electronic stability control, a technology
    invented in Europe that helps prevent skids. It is considered by some to
    be the greatest life-saving technology since the seat belt and is
    expected to reduce single-vehicle crashes of cars by 34 percent and
    sport utility vehicles by 59 percent, according to the National Highway
    Traffic Safety Administration. It will be mandatory in all passenger
    cars in the United States by model year 2012.

    “The U.S. has been instrumental in establishing a global standard,” Mr.
    Ward said. “We’re pushing Europe to match what the Americans are doing.”

    Copyright 2007 The New York Times Company
    Tony Harding, Jul 20, 2007
  2. Tony Harding

    jim beam Guest

    let's cut through all the obfuscation and get to the facts:

    1. suv's are much more unstable than cars.
    2. heavier vehicles have longer braking distances.

    address those problems and crash stats will improve.

    jim beam, Jul 21, 2007
  3. Tony Harding

    Seth Guest

    Even better way to get the statistics better, people paying attention to
    what they are doing.
    Seth, Jul 21, 2007
  4. Tony Harding

    Tony Harding Guest

    You mean like get people to focus on driving instead of their cell phone
    / reading / shaving / makeup / lunch?

    Dream on. ;)
    Tony Harding, Jul 21, 2007
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