salt and seatbelts

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Hugh Graham, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. Hugh Graham

    Hugh Graham Guest

    Hi All,

    Very unusual problem. The seatbelt on the rear passenger side seems to have
    salt on it. It appears at the base of the seat belt and looks as though the
    seatbelt was soaked in a saltwater solution and then left to dry. Thus
    leaving a very concentrated salt residue on the seat belt.

    Any ideas?



    I looked, this is not in the manual lol
    Hugh Graham, Apr 10, 2004
  2. Hugh Graham

    dan Guest

    A very sweaty passenger?

    dan, Apr 10, 2004
  3. Hugh Graham

    Graham W Guest

    Do they put salt on the roads in winter in your area?
    Graham W, Apr 10, 2004
  4. Hugh Graham

    Hugh Graham Guest

    yes, they put salt on the roads.

    Is it possible that the salt is making it's way up through the car?


    Hugh Graham, Apr 11, 2004
  5. Hugh Graham

    Graham W Guest

    That's what I would look for.
    Graham W, Apr 11, 2004
  6. Hugh Graham

    Milleron Guest

    That seems unlikely. Is there any salt on the other rear seat belt or
    anywhere else in the car?
    Do you actually know that it's salt -- i.e., NaCl?

    Milleron, Apr 13, 2004
  7. Hugh Graham

    Hugh Graham Guest

    No salt anywhere else.

    I did an informal taste tase, it tasted like salt :)

    Hugh Graham
    Hugh Graham, Apr 13, 2004
  8. Hugh Graham

    proudwolf Guest

    Having driven my 91 Civic in hot weather and shirtless, my guess is that it
    is the salt and minerals left over from dried sweat. If you are not the one
    who normally wears that seatbelt, then I shudder at the thought of your
    informal taste test. Have you been driving around gym rats?

    proudwolf, Apr 16, 2004
  9. Hugh Graham

    Hugh Graham Guest

    No, in fact the rear seat is rarly used. Took it to the dealer today, they
    are going to replace the seatbelt, and then i guess we'll see if it occurs

    Hugh Graham, Apr 16, 2004
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