Scan Guage...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by a, Sep 12, 2008.

  1. a

    a Guest

    Is this the name or brand name of the product - I can only find one product
    when looking for "scan gauge":

    Are there any competing products, and am I correct in assuming the OBD port
    for my 2002 Accord is under the driver's side dash?

    a, Sep 12, 2008
  2. a

    Brian Smith Guest

    The OBD II port is under the dash on the driver's side. Should be handy
    the steering column.
    Brian Smith, Sep 12, 2008
  3. a

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I believe it's the brand name,and the port should be under the driver's
    side dash.

    you could try Googling for "OBD port gauges" for other similar products.
    Jim Yanik, Sep 12, 2008
  4. a

    Tegger Guest

    In Google, try
    "OBD-II code reader"
    "OBD-II scan tool"
    "DTC scan tool"
    just for a start.

    One I've heard very good things about (but have not tried myself) is

    Only about five hundred others. Any geek with a soldering iron
    and an account at an electronics parts place can make one.

    Your local auto parts places all have some sort of OBD-II code reader
    in stock.

    See this link:
    Enter your vehicle, and voila.
    Tegger, Sep 13, 2008
  5. a

    Joe Guest

    That looks like a great tool, but a bit overboard (and pricey) for
    most folks. To get the generic kit and the Honda add-on, it's around

    The ScanGuageII is probably better suited for most folks. And a lot
    cheaper... ;-)
    Joe, Sep 13, 2008

  6. In Google, try
    "OBD-II code reader"
    "OBD-II scan tool"
    "DTC scan tool"
    just for a start.

    One I've heard very good things about (but have not tried myself) is[/QUOTE]

    While they both read the OBDII information, their presentation and
    capabilities are different.

    There's reason to have both, actually, but depending on what you want,
    one of them is entirely unsuited.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Sep 13, 2008
  7. a

    Jim Yanik Guest

    here's an interesting page;
    Jim Yanik, Sep 13, 2008
  8. a

    Tegger Guest

    You're probably right on the first count, and certainly right on the
    Tegger, Sep 14, 2008
  9. a

    JXStern Guest

    These things are just plug and go for, say, a 2007 Accord?

    JXStern, Sep 14, 2008
  10. a

    Truckdude Guest

    Other than choosing what items you want on the display, yes. That goes for
    any car manufactured for sale in the U.S. since 1996.
    Truckdude, Sep 14, 2008
  11. These things are just plug and go for, say, a 2007 Accord?[/QUOTE]

    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Sep 14, 2008
  12. a

    JXStern Guest

    Kewl. Added to my toy wishlist.

    JXStern, Sep 14, 2008
  13. a

    a Guest

    They can save you lots of money - I don't know why they aren't mandated for
    all vehicles - the cost would be minimal...

    a, Sep 14, 2008
  14. a

    Jim Yanik Guest

    does government HAVE to get involved in this??? Is it really necessary?

    G-D socialists...

    you want one,BUY one.

    if enough people want them,then the manufacturers will include them as
    standard.(and raise the price accordingly.)

    G-D socialists...
    Jim Yanik, Sep 15, 2008
  15. a

    jim beam Guest

    hold on a moment... if we had the ultimate "free market" where
    manufacturers could do whatever they wanted, vehicle computerization
    would give the ultimate lock-in for car manufacturers to rip off
    consumers and exclude the entire after-market vehicle repair business.
    and that nearly happened - bmw maintenance reminder anyone? but
    gub'mint mandated standardized and "open" obd ports and no lock-in.
    thus johnny independent can fix your new computerized frod, even if frod
    don't really want him to.

    if you want to bitch about socialism, focus your attention on wall st
    bail-outs and the deployment of your [our] tax dollars on failed
    gambling addictions and [il]legal trickery instead. and our new
    socialist home loans with what used to be fannie and freddie - we'll be
    paying-through-the-ass goddamned communists for /that/ $5T hocus pocus
    for quite some time...
    jim beam, Sep 15, 2008
  16. a

    scott Guest

    Amen on the socialists.

    Socialism in the USA is kind of like Robin Hood , except here it means

    Rob from the hard working people that earn the money, take half for
    yourself and use the other half to buy the votes to get reelected
    from the people that don't want to work via welfare, food stamps, WIC,
    end of rant

    Back on topic, the Scangauge II is a very good product, I have had one
    about a year and a half and love it. I have used it to train myself to
    drive for mileage and get consistently above 30 mpg in town with an '02
    Civic (MT).
    scott, Sep 15, 2008
  17. a

    Jim Yanik Guest

    This is protecting the consumer(and keeping repair prices
    competitive),quite different from mandating features people don't need,but
    would LIKE to have.
    Heck,even seatbelts and airbags save some lives.

    Should air conditioning be made mandatory?
    AM/FM/CD radios? Satellite radio?

    What next?
    Jim Yanik, Sep 15, 2008
  18. a

    Tegger Guest

    Of course it would. But that's not the point.

    The point of having a generic Check Engine light was to coerce the owner
    into visiting a garage to find out what was wrong. Visiting a garage means
    there would a greater chance the problem (and maybe others) would get fixed
    and not ignored. Fixed problems theoretically mean lower emissions, the
    whole point of OBD-II in the first place.

    At one time government bureaucrats were thinking that even this was not
    enough, and there was talk of mandating an "OBD-III" that would actually
    snitch on you to the government if you were driving around with your Check
    Engine light on and not getting it looked at. I don't think that idea has
    gone anywhere...yet.
    Tegger, Sep 15, 2008
  19. a

    jim beam Guest

    dude, with respect, you need to sit on the freeway behind some 50's
    detroit garbage and suck in those fumes for a few miles. seems you've
    forgotten the old days.
    jim beam, Sep 15, 2008
  20. a

    Jim Yanik Guest

    Still no reason for government to "mandate" unnecessary items like
    Scangauge,radios,or AC as "standard".
    Sure,I'd like to have a Scangauge myself,but I do NOT agree that gov't
    needs to mandate them.
    Heck,most people wouldn't bother with them,wouldn't even realize they were
    a feature of their autos.
    But that Canuck would have EVERYBODY have to buy them,as part of a gov't
    mandated standard;the auto companies don't install that stuff for free.
    Jim Yanik, Sep 15, 2008
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