Searching for recommended ways to restore carpeted floormatts

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by piclistguy, Nov 6, 2006.

  1. piclistguy

    piclistguy Guest

    My car has close to 200K miles, although I have kept my interior in
    great condition.
    Even new carpeted floormats however seem tough to keep clean.
    I have used pure steam on them with no luck (Euro-Pro EP93 steamer),
    and those aerosol cleaner cans with the built in brush don't cut it
    Surface dirt rubs off, but a black/grey film remains.
    I see the pros using an orbital carpet polisher to clean mats, but I
    cant find such
    a tool online.
    Please share your ideas on keeping floormats clean of dirt buildup and
    piclistguy, Nov 6, 2006
  2. Pure steam won't do much compared to a "steam cleaner" (not really
    steam, just hot water) with cleaning solution added to the hot water.
    Or you can take the mats and lay em on the driveway and sprinkle
    laundry detergent on them and work them over with a brush. Then rinse
    Ashton Crusher, Nov 6, 2006
  3. piclistguy

    John S. Guest

    Carpeted floormats in my experience are all but imposssible to keep
    clean looking unless they are a dark brown or charcoal grey. The
    stains just gradually build up and wearthrough shows. There are two
    solutions I can think of: Use the darkest color floormat you can think
    of to minimize the appearance of stains. Or switch to rubber waffle
    mats from the car maker. I've gone the rubber mat route for about the
    past 10 years.
    John S., Nov 6, 2006
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