seatbelt beep/chime

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dilbert firestorm, Dec 16, 2008.

  1. I have a 2003 Honda Accord. I would like to know if there is a way to
    turn off the seatbelt beep/chime alert. My mom drives the car and she
    never wears the belt anyway.
    dilbert firestorm, Dec 16, 2008
  2. Get her to wear the belt, or ban her from driving the car.
    Eternal Searcher, Dec 16, 2008
  3. I know you are going to hear a lot and will hate every response, but
    *PLEASE* no passengers unbelted. I have seen too much tragedy among friends
    of the family in even low speed accidents and many amazing stories of
    survival with belts (how about a rollover at 75 mph and sliding across the
    median on the roof?) among my own friends. One of my wife's friends is still
    recovering from a slide-off a couple winters ago that fractured one of her
    vertebrae; she was airlifted out but could have driven the car home if she
    had been belted in... it was only damaged where her butt bent the door. I
    can't stand any more senseless tragedy. If she is going to drive unbelted I
    want no part of it. She knows how to silence the chime - she should do so or
    not drive.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 16, 2008
  4. dilbert firestorm

    Tegger Guest

    They make it tough to turn the beeper off these days.

    You can go to the wreckers and cut a buckle off a wrecked car's belt, then
    simply insert that into the receptacle. I'm not sure if that would work
    past key-off, though. You might have to remove then reinsert the buckle
    each time the car is started. It's a cheap and simple thing to try first,

    I'm told that unplugging the receptacle's electrical connector also works,
    since it goes "open" when the buckle is inserted, just as if the connector
    were unplugged. Again, the key-off thing may interfere with desired
    operation, but it's also cheap, simple and easily reversible if it doesn't

    Another, more intrusive, way is to unsolder the beeper itself from the
    multiplex control unit under the dash, but that would shut off most (all?)
    of the warning noises.

    All I did on my own car was to insert a wood screw through the hole in the
    top of the beeper to keep the diaphragm from vibrating. That leaves me with
    no key-in, door-open or other warnings, but I'm just fine with that since I
    hate those noises anyway.
    Tegger, Dec 16, 2008
  5. dilbert firestorm

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Never wears seat belt? Must be stupid woman.
    Tony Hwang, Dec 16, 2008
  6. dilbert firestorm

    Joe Guest

    Just give her an overdose of morphine or something similar. This will
    save the EMT's and other emergency personnel from having to scrape her
    body off of the road, or off of another person's car when she gets in
    a crash, and will save some innocent person the mental anguish of
    having been in an accident that caused someone's death...

    Or, just get her banned from driving, or riding as a passenger. She
    has no place in an automobile if she can't be bothered to deal with
    proper safety...
    Joe, Dec 16, 2008
  7. all I ask for is info on how to disable the FUCKING seatbelt noise. and
    what do I get in response.....

    Instead, what I get is some namby-pamby, snotty, high & mighty responses
    on how I should tell my mother who's driven for 50 years without a
    seatbelt to wear one and/or ban her from driving if she won't wear one.
    She's already made her clearly choice in this regard.

    I did not come to this NG to start a DEBATE or get a FUCKING LECTURE on
    seatbelt usage.

    If you can't provide an on-topic answer to this query and have an urge
    to be a moral NAZI on seatbelt usage, its suggested that you don't
    participate in that thread & refrain from answering any NAZI like comments.
    dilbert firestorm, Dec 18, 2008
  8. dilbert firestorm

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    You're a moron.

    1.) This is usenet. People say whatever they want, and won't refrain
    from anything. If you didn't want a lecture on seatbelt usage, you
    shouldn't have asked your ignorant question in a newsgroup where people
    know about cars and safety.

    2.) Your grandmother's also a moron. People make bad choices all the
    time, but when they maintain those choices in the face of clear, easy to
    understand evidence that it's a bad choice, they're stupid. Your
    grandmother falls in this category. No doubt if she rides a motorcycle,
    she won't wear a helmet. (At least people who keep smoking *try* to
    quit; they've got an addiction. Your granny has no excuse.)

    3.) Some suggestions were made for resolving your problem, so quit
    whining about the people who (mistakenly) wanted to help keep your
    grandmother alive.

    4.) **** off.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Dec 18, 2008
  9. Do us all a favor, then: have your mother sign a global, universal
    waiver that absolves anyone from any responsibility of healing her or
    taking care of her should she be in a car accident.

    Because, frankly, the choice she wants to make will impose on society as
    we pay to take care of her as she lies there in a vegetative state. It
    also imposes directly on the guy she's in the accident with, when her
    lawyers go after him for ten million dollars just because that's how our
    society works.

    If you don't like society telling you how strongly it feels on this
    issue, feel free to leave society.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 18, 2008
  10. GIGO

    Same to you, fucking moronic motherfucker! an absolute excuse for a
    Fucking twit-head!!!
    dilbert firestorm, Dec 19, 2008
  11. GIGO
    dilbert firestorm, Dec 19, 2008
  12. dilbert firestorm

    Tony Hwang Guest

    You better not advertise your mother is stupid woman driver.
    Where I live, if you don't wear seat belt while driving
    cops give you ticket with hefty fine. Yet, there are many idiots
    like your mom.
    Tony Hwang, Dec 19, 2008
  13. Absolutely! If you are smart you will stop complaining and take it to heart
    before you bring senseless tragedy to your family. If you are not smart you
    won't, and I won't have any part of it.

    The question is only: are you smart enough? I hope so.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 19, 2008
  14. dilbert firestorm

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Okay. In most states it's worth $200.
    You know that this may also fail the car when it gets inspected.
    - dillon I am not invalid

    When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams come true.
    Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which
    will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no
    matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
    Dillon Pyron, Dec 19, 2008
  15. dilbert firestorm

    Tegger Guest

    Never read /my/ response, did you?

    Or are you a troll?
    Tegger, Dec 19, 2008
  16. dilbert firestorm


    Hmmm I wonder how many of you preachers have never EVER went over the
    posted speed limit.

    Ive been hit by a train. Ive hit a tree,. At a stop-light been hit from
    behind by a truck. Been t-boned by a guy not stopping at sign. Didnt
    have a seatbelt on in any of those instances and never was injured.
    QUAKEnSHAKE, Dec 20, 2008
  17. Shut up, you WebTV retard!
    Eternal Searcher, Dec 20, 2008
  18. In the last decade I have deliberately exceeded the speed limit by more than
    3 mph three times - once by 7 mph on Arizona hwy 89 between Page and
    Flagstaff to complete a car registration before the office closed (I did it
    with 3 minutes to spare; ain't math wonderful?), once by 4 mph to cut a 12
    hr drive from Flagstaff to Sacramento by 1/2 hour, and once by 10-20 mph
    when the hospital called and told my wife she would have to hurry if she
    wanted to say goodbye to her mother. In the last case I knew the time saved
    would be insignificant, but some things are more important than logic. In
    general, speeding is a fools' game.

    Your driving record is appalling. Being hit from behind is often
    unavoidable, but not watching for cross-traffic at intersections is a kid's
    mistake. Hitting a tree is something nobody I know has done and running
    afoul of a train is - well, it tells the whole story. With those sloppy
    habits I can understand why you never belt up: you lack the good sense and I
    suspect (from your accident history) you frequently drive while drunk. There
    are lots of people who have had as many serious accidents as you but are not
    posting because they were not so lucky... they are dead or incapacitated.

    The OP should not have been surprised by the response. Would he be surprised
    by a similar response if he had asked a tea forum what the best way is to
    cover up the taste of drain cleaner in his tea? There is no good way to do
    something stupid.

    Michael Pardee, Dec 20, 2008
  19. dilbert firestorm

    Paul Bunyan Guest

    I think it would be a good idea to add more bells, chimes, and maybe some
    whistles. If you get enough of them and make enough noise.maybe she will
    fasten the seat belt and then it will be very quiet also she will more than
    likely live longer. Seeing you ALWAYS wear yours, you wouldn't have any

    See, simple cure.

    Paul Bunyan, Dec 22, 2008
  20. dilbert firestorm


    Ahh of course Im right though, beings thats all you have and the way you
    seem to get upset & angered easily. You speed every time you drive so
    quit your preaching. Id rather be on the road with non-belt users than
    be on the road with a short-tempered rager like you.
    QUAKEnSHAKE, Dec 22, 2008
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