seatbelt reminder chime on 2006 accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by guy quartarone, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. Anyone have any luck disabling the seatbelt reminder on a 2006 Accord? Can I
    unplug the sensor under the seat without setting off a code?
    guy quartarone, Jul 26, 2006
  2. Buckle up before starting the car.
    High Tech Misfit, Jul 26, 2006
  3. guy quartarone

    TeGGeR® Guest

    The new cars will not allow silencing the seatbelt chime the way you used
    to be able to. Beeper control is part of the multifunction unit under the
    dash, which uses the seat sensor as one of its inputs. Disconnecting the
    sensor will not have the effect you want.

    The chime is amazingly annoying when all you're doing is crawling in a
    parking lot, or moving cars in the driveway. I wish they would have it kick
    in only after the car reaches 15-20mph or so.

    There are two realistically possible ways to shut the chime up if you need
    1) Go to the wreckers. Cut a buckle off a wreck's belt. Insert that into
    the receptacle as needed.
    2) Do up belt behind your back.

    A third way (requiring some mechanical and electrical aptitude) is to
    remove the multifunction unit and unsolder/snip the little beeper button,
    which is the same as those used on computer motherboards. This kills ALL
    chimes, including the key-in/door open warning.
    TeGGeR®, Jul 26, 2006
  4. guy quartarone

    Robert Guest's a dumb solution...why don't you just wear your seatbelt?
    This IS the purpose of the seatbelt chime.

    56 percent of all automobile fatalities in 2003 could have been
    prevented if the occupants of the vehicles involved in the accidents
    wore their seatbelts. At least 75 percent of those occupants would have
    Robert, Jul 31, 2006
  5. guy quartarone

    chip Guest

    I should be able to disable that so called feature. After all I don't
    think it's the governments right to determine if I live or die. Hell
    here in florida we have seatbelt laws but you can ride a motorcycle
    without a helmet!!! Same in Illinois.
    chip, Aug 1, 2006
  6. chip wrote:
    . . . . . here in florida we have seatbelt laws but you can ride a

    Your state government is just trying to get rid of the dumber bikers.


    'Curly Q. Links', Aug 1, 2006
  7. Not wearing a helmet when riding a motorcycle doesn't injure or kill others
    as could happen if you lose control of your car because you are not wearing
    a seat/shoulder belt.
    Ernest Cassirer, Aug 1, 2006
  8. guy quartarone

    Robert Guest

    The "government" isn't doing anything, it's not a law or mandate or
    anything to have a seatbelt chime. It's just a feature from Honda to
    compel buyers to drive safer.
    Robert, Aug 2, 2006
  9. Robert, wrote the following at or about 8/2/2006 5:08 PM:
    No, you're wrong. It actually is a federal law and Honda, Toyota and
    all the other manufacturer's are following it.

    It's been on the books since 1974.

    "Oct. 1974

    Despite fact that seat belt-ignition interlocks increase seat belt use
    rate to as high as 60 percent, Congress enacts legislation to prohibit
    use of seat belt-ignition interlock and to limit any audible reminder
    (buzzer) for seat belt use to not longer than 8 seconds in duration
    after engine ignition. See 49 USC § 30124."
    Unquestionably Confused, Aug 2, 2006
  10. guy quartarone

    Seth Guest

    The way I read that it is not saying that a car must have a seatbelt buzzer.
    It is limiting the length of time the seatbelt buzzer can sound for. If it
    was mandated that you must have a seatbelt buzzer all the way back in 1974,
    how come that is a fairly recent addition and hasn't been in all cars for
    the past 30+ years. My '01 Accord has no seatbelt buzzer.
    Seth, Aug 3, 2006
  11. guy quartarone

    TeGGeR® Guest

    My friend, it is COMPLETELY and WHOLLY a government thing. 100%.
    Would Honda voluntarily risk pissing off its buyers with such nannyism?

    It has been a federal requirement that the car should have an seat belt
    indicator light since the 1971 model year. The chime was mandated a few
    years later. The early chimes were easily defeated. Modern ones are not.

    Since about 2004 (not sure here, could be 2005), it has been federally
    required that the light and chime repeat continuously every twenty seconds
    or so once the vehicle has moved at least once and the driver's belt has
    not been done up. It does not appear that this requirement covers the
    pasenger seat. Some manufacturers (Ford for instance) extend the regulatory
    mandate to the passenger seat as well as the driver seat. Chrysler does not
    (or did not in 2005, the last time I drove a new Chrysler product).
    TeGGeR®, Aug 3, 2006
  12. I wasn't going to put the whole chronology for the seat belt reminders,
    etc. here as I figured that most would either understand or do a little
    research on their own. Apparently I was wrong.

    Here's a link that might help you with the evolution of the warning
    system which was required beginning around 1972. Yeah, surprise, it
    evolved to allow chimes.


    As to whether or not they were required by the FEDS (they were)a bit of
    common sense thought might provide a clue. When we see lawsuits against
    Ford, etc. for omitting a part that might have cost them $0.38 per unit
    which resulted (at least it was argued to be so) in serious injuries in
    death due to that omission in the name of profit, why would anyone think
    they were putting bells, buzzers, chimes, etc. in vehicles for giggles
    and grins?
    Unquestionably Confused, Aug 3, 2006
  13. guy quartarone

    Robert Guest

    Wow, I never knew all of those laws even existed. I just supposed since
    my 2004 Volvo (supposedly the champion of safety) didn't have a
    seatbelt chime that it wasn't required. I guess I'd better have it
    looked at.

    Either way, I don't think of seatbelt chimes as a bad thing, just a
    little reminder. That's all I'm saying.
    Robert, Aug 4, 2006
  14. guy quartarone

    Seth Guest

    All that to say, yeah, the law dating back to 1974 was NOT to mandate the
    use of chimes like I said?

    I didn't say there were no laws regarding seatbelt reminders. I was only
    challenging the supposition that there was a 1974 law requiring that cars
    have chimes.
    Seth, Aug 4, 2006
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