selling Civic in US

Discussion in 'Honda Parts For Sale / Trade' started by M Gazer, Dec 21, 2003.

  1. M Gazer

    M Gazer Guest

    Need some help.. I am considering moving to Florida and wondered what I can
    do with my 98 Civic. I am concerned about the following things:

    1. speedo is listed in km/h (with miles below) and my understanding is that
    to license a car in the US, it must be the other way around.

    2. Can I sell it there when I want to get rid of it or will the speedo issue
    require me to replace it with a US-spec one? I tried selling my Audi to
    someone in Texas and when the checked with the DMV, they told him that he
    would have to replace the speedo with a US one.

    I guess that I could sell it here and then buy a new car down there but I
    own this car outright and it only has 86K on it (1998) and is in excellent

    M Gazer, Dec 21, 2003
  2. You may not have to replace entire speedo--just the plate or faceplate on
    top of it. You might also find out if your vehicle meets the pollution
    requirements. I live in CA and vehicles from other states can't always be
    licensed in CA since CA's anti-pollution laws are really strict. Call the
    DMV in Florida to see if that is an issue related to your vehicle. Also,
    ask the service manager or parts manager at a Honda dealership if they can
    sell you a faceplate for your speedo.
    Bill B. Johnson, Dec 21, 2003
  3. M Gazer

    Tera Baap Guest

    Just a thought...wouldn't the odometer be in Km as well? Would the DMV have
    a problem with that? Would the new owner have to convert the mileage from
    Km into miles when reporting it to the DMV?
    Tera Baap, Dec 22, 2003
  4. M Gazer

    cooncat Guest

    Florida does NOT have ANY motor vehicle inspection. If any thing,you
    might have to change the spedo face plate.
    cooncat, Dec 22, 2003
  5. M Gazer

    X Guest

    nah... i got a 93 delsol originally from Toronto.
    I've lived in Joy-zee (Jersey) , California and Washington.
    I've been able to get license as well as passing inspection in all 3 states
    X, Dec 26, 2003
  6. M Gazer

    Me Guest

    Hey, when you moved to CA, what kind of hoops did you have to go
    through to get a plate? Did you have a limit on the # of vehicles you
    could bring in? Anyone else who can answer this, I would appreciate
    your info. We will be moving to the Oxnard area in a couple years, and
    I have a 1994 Civic and my wife has a 1999 Stratus. My Civic is
    working GREAT, so I don't feel like getting rid of it, and my wife's
    Stratus has NO resale value, so same deal. Thanks!

    Me, Dec 28, 2003
  7. M Gazer

    X Guest

    moved to northern Cal in 97.

    Just had to get the vehicle tested for emission & then register the car for
    new plates.
    Didn't have problem with emission

    Not sure about the limit issue though bc i only had 1 car. I gather 1 car
    per licensed driver
    is alright.

    You need to check again when the time is near for moving b/c they may change
    regulations again by then.

    One thing to watch out for is when you have your car service at Honda.
    Make sure you tell them it's in KM not MILES.

    I had my car in for the 60Km service which would have costed 200-300 USD.
    The guy ended up giving
    me the 60,000 MILES service which bloated up the price to almost 1K b/c he
    ended up
    changing my timing belts , hoses and the whole works.

    Took a while to fight them on the charges and they finally relented, so I
    won't mention
    the dealer name here.
    X, Dec 31, 2003
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