SES light went on

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Firebird, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. Firebird

    Firebird Guest

    I have a 97 Accord Wagon, I noticed the SES light is on, my wife said she
    took it to the mechanic and he said...
    its to do with the air bag..and that is a dealer thing which can be very
    Does this sound true or BS....

    Firebird, Sep 2, 2006
    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 2, 2006
  3. Firebird

    TomP Guest

    Use this procedure to clear and/or read the dtc.

    To Clear the SRS DTC:

    During this memory erase procedure you have a 4 second window to
    complete the connection
    and disconnection of the the two memory erase wires. So be quick. A very
    small paper clip bent
    into a "U" shape should work fine but don't force it into the wire terminals.

    On the left side of the car under the dash board you will find a yellow
    two pin connector. This
    is the Memory Erase Signal connector. There will be two gray or green wires
    in this connector. To
    erase the SRS Memory do the following:

    Carefully jump the two MES wires together.
    Turn on the ignition switch and watch the SRS light. It should come on
    for a few seconds and
    then go off.

    At this time; disconnect the two MES wires.
    After a couple of seconds the SRS light will come on.

    At this time; reconnect the two MES wires.
    After a couple of seconds the SRS light will go off.

    At this time; disconnect the two MES wires.
    After a couple of seconds the SRS light should come on, blink two
    times and go off; and
    remain off.

    Turn off the key. You have successfully erased your SRS DTCs.

    During this memory erase procedure you have a 4 second window to
    complete the connection
    and disconnection of the the two memory erase wires. So be quick. A very
    small paper clip bent
    into a "U" shape should work fine but don't force it into the wire terminals.

    To Read SRS DTC:

    If you are interested in knowing what code is stored in the SRS
    system, there is a way to get
    that by jumping the SCS connector.

    Under the right side of the glove box. You will find the DATA LINK
    (3P) and the SCS (2P)
    connectors. They should both be tucked into a green or blue rubber holder.
    Pull out the (2P) SCS
    connector and jump the two wires together. Then turn on the ignition
    switch. The SRS light will
    blink out a code sequence of long and short blinks, indicating the failure
    mode that caused the


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    TomP, Sep 2, 2006
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