Shaking/wobbly problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dnky, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. dnky

    dnky Guest

    I’ve had this problem for a while now and was wondering if anyone knew
    what it was. My car is a 1994 Honda Accord EX

    Basically the bottom right half of my car shakes and wobbles a lot.
    This happens whenever i’m going under 25-30 mph, freeway speeds I
    don’t usually notice it. It’s gotten really annoying now and I was
    wondering if anyone knew what it was.
    dnky, Jan 8, 2007
  2. dnky

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    Could be any number of things.

    The easiest, and very common, is bad tires, bad alignment or poorly
    balanced tires. It is amazing how much effect the balancing can have.

    Also, could be failing ball joints, or any other suspension issue.
    Joe LaVigne, Jan 8, 2007
  3. If it could be described as waddling you can feel at very low speeds, I vote
    for a tire tread separating. A good tire tech can feel it with his hand, but
    even when they try to teach me I have only been able to feel it once. I
    suggest a visit to your tire shop first... after all, they are happy to
    check the tires for free in hopes you need some!

    Michael Pardee, Jan 12, 2007
  4. dnky

    motsco_ Guest


    Get a friend to help you with the 'follow me' test and you'll probably
    be able to see if it may be a bad tire or a bent rim (got teenagers?).

    motsco_, Jan 12, 2007
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