shark thrasher ( its not fair )

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by shark, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. shark

    shark Guest

    shark thrasher ( its not fair )

    th unicyclists
    are coming out to play

    had a long chat with a guy last night
    he can ride a couple of k's

    and he can ride blind

    and working on



    take th hard way

    all th obstacles

    in your path


    i bought
    as ya mighta read

    a unicycle for my nephew for

    be fucked
    i am an out of it ****

    my nickaname in th street

    ridin th unicycle thru th nightclubbers
    with a shark fin
    on top of my hat


    th shark



    i dunno man

    i call me something else entirely


    i get th fuckin thing home

    and give it to him early

    cause we hookup at pooh's place
    and her son's just bought one
    and gunna hand mine back

    my nephew points out th sticker

    on th fork leg of th new beast

    Shark Thrasher

    he's gunna thrash th pants off me
    but you'll have to work hard

    i'm not that easy to catch

    th shark's graceful
    but he's got a savage bite


    had blood red paint

    on th left arm

    in th street last night

    while peelin thru th crowd


    when that other part of me
    wasnt out singin to pretty chicks

    my female side

    "me baby"

    **** off
    it's unicycle time

    i'm havin some drugs


    th photo journalist
    said he'd shot four rolls of film

    wanderin round th valley

    wasnt askina bout th unicycle

    so i let it lay in th garden bed

    did grab my shark fin hat though
    with th wizard skin

    and prop it onth bench

    and then

    forget about it

    just sing

    just forget there's a professional photographer takin shots
    and go back to singin th blues


    **** off jennifer

    th 27 inch

    developed a problem
    didnt get twenty feet from th car

    friday night

    wheel crashin into th frame

    jeez she's a rough old bitch
    my surf wheel

    i pulled out my
    relatively new

    24 inch wheel

    and rode it both nights
    in th fortitude valley
    till dawn

    singin and drumming notwithstanding

    **** off music

    i'll put some on

    stop askin for attention


    all audio random

    we'll let windows decide

    bill knows what's good for me

    do re mi
    "warnings moving clockwise"


    ive been workin on my own

    my hands are too slow song

    no way girl

    i am usin th left hand

    i know th right one's quicker

    i dont care
    it's tired

    been playin a drum half th night

    otice i only use one hand ?n



    covered in blood
    in th full moon

    after midnight

    and got these two dumb fuckin coppers

    i was ridin a unicycle for crisake

    funny thnig is

    it took em all night to notice

    it was daylight

    quick aren;t they ?

    really really vivid paint

    wet looking

    fresh bloood


    some didnt even notice

    whole left arm red

    not calling attention to it

    really really stoned ppl

    blow out so bad

    yeah i know
    i said

    i'll have to hold a few hands
    later in th night

    th really fucking stoned

    price i pay


    no man it is paint
    you're just trippin

    mellow out


    shark thrasher hey ?

    ive no doubt
    you guys will fair better in th bowl

    too big an impact for my nuts

    tender little buggers

    i'll bet you though
    what will plague you is


    to glide
    thru th crowd

    silent and deadly

    you have to be

    dead smooth

    **** i scared a few last night

    mika and johnno

    were rounding th corner

    and i happened along

    **** man

    they nearly dropped everything

    still sang with em though

    after they set up

    she's a pacey ltitle fucker that 24

    runs outta steam but

    off th mark

    it's a

    jack rabbit


    stuffin th 24 over th
    centre dividers

    on th road

    is much easier than than th skinny 27

    at least th wheel dont flex as much

    gets a bit frightening at times

    lookit that bend

    woofs into th incline just nice

    needs a knobbie tyre but

    that's her next incarnation

    time to start modifyin

    i got no grip left

    some of th slides

    fuckin out there


    smooth as


    when i rode motorbikes

    th guys used to throw me out front

    cause i was smooth
    and drove a truck for a living

    so i think

    as much of th road ahead of me
    as i can see

    and rode so as not to break eggs

    at two hundred kilometres an hour

    with th whole pack

    on my line

    short lived in a bike pack

    ya wouldnt know less youd been there
    but every now and then

    a bike guy
    would sit next to me at th bar

    and wax about my smoothness


    i make little pottery ocarinas

    th whistle made out of wet clay

    very fine
    very delicate

    not too many ppl make them

    i give them away
    to special ppl

    fine motor skills

    a unicycle can improve them

    it'll teach you grace man


    i like riding
    through th pack

    my leather jacket hung up

    hooked on
    unicycle surfing in crowds
    of mindless missiles

    it's umm

    like a video game
    drunken stoned sprites

    i been doin this five years

    i havent put a sprite in hospital

    and yes
    i do ride very fast pretty lady

    sorry i scared you

    <<< smile >>>


    they call me shark



    get so many ppl
    love my shark fin bicycle hat
    with wizard skin

    above evryone's heads

    can see it go thru th crowd
    from across th road

    i used to disappear

    inside th crowd

    on one uniycle

    i put a whip tail

    with a flag

    and carted it
    above th crowd

    this is cooler

    fox tail would be good

    "twin fox tails"


    try ridin backwards up a hill

    chill up my spine

    first time

    then ride backwards down it

    a small hill

    car park


    th beach is good
    to ride with yor eyes shut
    at low tide

    easy ground
    hard and

    and a nice transition
    to tell ya where ya are

    where th waves are breaking

    ridin th edge


    ah ok

    im in water

    head right

    no water


    till some fuckin guy runs out
    to knock down th clown

    on th unicycle

    where' my baseball bat ?

    hey man

    **** up in th props department

    and give me a hard one


    you goin down motherfucker


    i've got th edge now
    but i cant keep it forever

    and at some stage

    i'm gunna get whooped
    by younger and stronger

    or older and more wily

    someone's gunna bop in
    while im in
    the bus stops
    slalom unicycle run

    wantin to race

    i bumped a couple posts
    last night

    on purpose

    it was th full moon ya know

    and i train hard

    ride thru bushes

    so i know exactly where

    i am



    cept when i stop

    fuckin near took this chick out
    with th hat

    then turned to apoligize

    and took this guy out too

    it's th clown in me


    coupel fo tiems last night

    for th full moon


    at th top of my lungs

    im a street entertainer

    background singer
    sorry no

    we got teeth now


    my lungs are


    shitscared sprites

    desertin th track

    cruise thru

    th shark

    cant be fucked

    here i am

    get out of th fucking road

    it's an attitude


    th land shark...


    oh yeah

    a few in th crowd


    and let's face it

    very fucking stoned

    and spotted th bloody hand


    and lost it


    and th unicycle
    still sliding


    but definitely

    out of control

    to a stop

    at th post

    and just lean over

    and lean on th post

    look mum

    no hands

    ooo that one's not lookin so good


    scared a few shitless

    in th full moon

    and that was before i started singin about doin

    really really good drugs on th corner

    i had a pretty good night


    played drums a couple of times

    and had a few nice lookin lady's

    twistin and gyratin it in th street


    i had a nice ride in th city
    early on last night

    you arent really gunna mount that thing with a hot cofee are you ?
    oh you have


    **** i'm blase


    th manager at jimmys
    givin me shit

    now dont you drop these two hot chocolates

    i went off
    but nice

    i drop one

    one time

    i never live it down

    get up
    and cruise off

    smooth as

    and tryin to avoid th pigs

    while deliverin jarrod's hot chocolate
    and mine

    cant ride in th mall

    council ordinance

    you ride a fuckin unicycle stoned and pissed
    and carry three drinks

    i dunno man
    they expect miracles


    love ya folks...
    shark, Nov 28, 2004
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