signs of water pump failure

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rocketj55, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. rocketj55

    rocketj55 Guest


    I have a 2005 Pilot EX-L. When I bought it in Dec05, I noticed the
    engine coolant reservoir was essentially empty. I called the dealer and
    they said to just put any type of coolant in there. Thus I poured in
    Prestone (green), which mixed with blue Honda coolant. No problems from
    that...Pilot has 20000 miles on it.

    Last month, the area near the timing belt makes a noise that's kind of
    like when a smooth running fan suddenly has a clog or something for 1/4
    the turn, and has to force itself to turn. so the sound is lke there's
    something holding back the timing belt such that its not a silent spin
    anymore. you could say there is a small squealing noise, but not
    constant or loudly annoying.

    i'm wondering, what are the signs that a water pump is bad or going to
    and if it was ok to mix Prestone green 50/50 with the blue Honda

    please let me know
    rocketj55, Apr 7, 2006
  2. rocketj55

    Matt Ion Guest

    The sound you described could indicate a bad bearing in the water pump.
    Watch the area under the pulley carefully for leaks. You could also
    take the belt off and try turning the pump by hand to see if it is in
    fact difficult to turn. If it is, you want to replace the pump ASAP; if
    you wait until it finally dies, you'll end up stranded.
    That's debatable; I've never had a problem using various other coolants
    (Prestone, Motomaster, etc.), although there are some who swear the
    Honda-branded premix is the only way to go. There's certainly no harm
    is sticking with the Honda stuff.
    Matt Ion, Apr 7, 2006
  3. -------------------------------------

    There's been lots of discussion on this. Try searching the NG. As long
    as you didn't add any tap water, and there's no silicates in (Prestone
    green), probably OK. You already know that pump failure will take out
    the Timing Belt on vehicles that have them. Any leaking at the bottom of
    the cover? Is the level maintaining at MAX, or does it drop? Did you run
    the HEAT since then to be sure any air was purged from the core? I
    wonder if your dealer is a DOPE?

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 7, 2006
  4. rocketj55

    rocketj55 Guest

    thanks for the quick responses. there's no leaking anywhere, and i've
    run the heat for about 30 min (my driving time). but i'll keep an eye
    on potential leaks.
    what is NG?
    and the Prestone did contain should i flush and buy
    something silicate-free?
    rocketj55, Apr 7, 2006
  5. ================================

    We are sharing info on an NG . . NewsGroup.

    Some say silicates destroy water pump seals, which takes out the bearing
    in the pump, which destroys the whole mess (head / engine). Do a search
    here, and on google.

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 8, 2006
  6. I don't like to increase anxiety, but I do want you to take seriously the
    warnings about water pump failure - the type where the pump shaft seizes or
    even breaks off. It would be catastrophic for the engine.

    Since this is clearly under warranty, I recommend you make sure you have
    actually had the dealer service shop lay their hands on it to check out this
    noise, service order and everything. Without that they would likely deny any
    responsibility if anything goes wrong (wrong maybe = "kaboom").

    Michael Pardee, Apr 9, 2006
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