Similar issue

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Noah.Holm, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. Noah.Holm

    Noah.Holm Guest

    Thanks for the links.

    I have a similar problem. After an ice storm, my wiper arms were
    frozen in position. Once I broke the ice off, they found a resting
    position at a 45 degree angle and twich every once and a while, even
    though the setting is now at off. (And they do not move at all when I
    do switch them on.)

    I can physically move them back to the original resting position, but
    it doesn't take long for them to find their way back up to the 45

    My hope is it's just a matter of tightening something. But it might
    be a link or motor issue. Any thoughts?

    Noah.Holm, Feb 17, 2007
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