Simple Techniques To Increase Gas Mileage of Your Car

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by vcpjitwanhwe, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. vcpjitwanhwe

    Just Facts Guest

    Save $17 and read your cars owners manual.
    Also Google "gas saving driving tips".
    Just Facts, Jul 24, 2007
  2. vcpjitwanhwe

    Just Facts Guest

    It's illegal in most locations and can be very dangerous.
    For example if your engine stalls while out of gear you may have a
    problem braking, if you have power assisted brakes as most vehicles now
    Just Facts, Jul 24, 2007
  3. vcpjitwanhwe

    mjc13 Guest

    Um, you'll have the same problem if the engine stalls while *in*
    gear, if it's automatic. If I were coasting along with a standard and
    the engine stalled at a high enough speed to worry about braking, I'd
    just put it back in gear. Or engage the emergency brake (hey, neat
    name!). Or both When they actually get serious about not allowing cell
    phone use, eating, talking (with hand gestures), and reading the morning
    paper while driving, *then* I'll obey the no-coasting law.
    mjc13, Jul 24, 2007
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