SM4's windows' motor's relay* is unnecessary, wastes current, & can drain battery

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Bigelow, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. Now, that makes sense! Even a 30 amp load at 14V is 420W, more than half a
    horsepower. Factor in the losses and the small reasons not to, and it is a
    reasonable thing to do for a race. Of course, a 140 ma load from the window
    relay is right at 2W, or about 1/370 of a horsepower.

    Michael Pardee, Feb 22, 2005
  2. Google Cheah pet's previous posts in this group. He has stated that
    Hondas are defective because they have electric clocks which draw
    current. A real looney.
    Gordon McGrew, Feb 22, 2005
  3. Google Cheah pet's previous posts in this group. He has stated that
    Hondas are defective because they have electric clocks which draw
    current. A real looney.
    Gordon McGrew, Feb 22, 2005
  4. Steve Bigelow

    Randolph Guest

    Google Cheah pet's previous posts in this group. He has stated that

    I remember that thread. I believe one of the claims that time was that
    because of that "defect" a Honda could not possibly cruise down the
    highway at 60 mph. I say TE Cheah is a troll.
    Randolph, Feb 23, 2005
  5. Steve Bigelow

    Randolph Guest

    Google Cheah pet's previous posts in this group. He has stated that

    I remember that thread. I believe one of the claims that time was that
    because of that "defect" a Honda could not possibly cruise down the
    highway at 60 mph. I say TE Cheah is a troll.
    Randolph, Feb 23, 2005
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